How I feel about the debt deal
I dread learning the details of this deal our leaders have come up with. No matter how awful a job President Obama does, most Democrats continue to say: “But we gotta support him. You don’t want the Republicans to win, do you?” Barack Obama is not Al Gore, and 2012 is not 2000. Unlike Obama,…
On Speaking To Power, Or, When Sanity’s Gone, There’s Always Satire
So everybody’s hearing the news, right? There is a tentative debt ceiling deal, and this Administration and Congressional Democrats seem to have won everything they wanted: Republicans get to have multiple “we don’t approve†votes before 2012 on raising the debt ceiling, there won’t be any new revenue, there’s going to be another “hostage-taking†event…
Oil Subsidies and the US Debt: Where to find $77 Billion
by Japhet Koteen Editor’s note: This post was written by Japhet Koteen, a community builder, urbanist, and real estate developer in Seattle. He wrote this post as part of a project for Taxpayers for Common Sense. It’s not the trillions elected leaders are looking for today in Washington, DC, but I know where they can…
Tea Party Priorities
(adopted from a similar image at http://thechristianleft.org)
Obama the Centrist
John McCain, in Obama is a Centrist, says “The president has become more centrist, which makes him easier to work with.” Paul Krugman, in The Centrist Cop-Out, says “President Obama initially tried to strike a ‘Grand Bargain’ with Republicans over taxes and spending. To do so, he not only chose not to make an issue…
Saturday: Celebrate Medicare's 46th Birthday — Downtown Seattle
At a time, when we are facing the most serious threat to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in our life times, let your voice be heard! Come Celebrate Medicare’s 46th Birthday — Downtown Seattle – Medicare Birthday Party – March/Parade/Music/Street Theatre No Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security! When: Saturday,…
On Running Your Own Government, Or, Why Pay The Military?
I have not been talking about the insanity around the debt ceiling and debt and deficit and the efforts of Republicans to drive us all off the cliff, but I am today – and I’m going to do it by allowing you to grab ahold of this problem and see for yourself just how unbelievably…
Economic Consequences of a Federal Government Default
As the odds of a first-time-in-history federal default grow larger, it is worth considering the economic consequences of a default. A default would place at risk up to $160 billion in federal payments just for the month of August. As each billion dollars lost per month translates into jobs for up to 20,000 people, a…
Now is the time to be angry and to act: protests are getting coverage
Take over your LD! Educate the public about the harmfulness of conserva-think. Protests at congressional offices have been getting a lot of press coverage. King 5 video on visits to McDermott, Smith & Reichert; MoveOn was mentioned http://www.nwcn.com/home/?fId=126221783&fPath=/news/local&fDomain=10212 Reichert’s remarks (let the system work) didn’t address the issues. Article w/pics about Reichert visit – MoveOn…
Hitler Holds News Conference, Thanks Balanced Budget Amendment For U.S. Defeat
(FNS – Washington, New Germany, April 17, 1947) America’s new Führer, Adolf Hitler, announced today that his official War History would in fact acknowledge that one of the biggest contributing factors to the defeat of the Allies was the insistence of the former United States of America on sticking to its Balanced Budget Amendment, which…