New Report Series on key public safeguards: "Who can vote?" – "Who did vote?"
I’ve been absent from the public eye for nearly four months, involved one of the most comprehensive examinations of voting information since 2005. I analyzed a sequential set of 80 voter history lists, 1,000 electronic poll book reports, a dozen master electronic poll book records, 50 participating voter lists, internal worksheets on purges, transaction logs…
Quickie: Fanning the flames of racial hatred for profit
$42 Million From Seven Foundations Helped Fuel the Rise of Islamophobia in America This is not to say there aren’t legitimate problems with Islam or with immigration, but some people have an ideological or economic interest in fanning the flames of racial hatred. Without an enemy, how can you justify a police state and massive…
The Injustice of Justice Thomas
How Joe Biden aided Clarence Thomas The New Yorker has an article on Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni. The article describes how the Court has moved to adopt many of his hard right views. And it summarizes the case corroborating Anita Hill’s testimony against Thomas: Thomas was confirmed in the Senate by a…
News from the Stealth War Front
Wednesday Media was asked if it could cover a meeting of Act For America (http://actforamerica.org/) in Chehalis on August 27th. [Editor’s note: ACT! for America is an organization devoted to speaking “the truth about radical Islam, terror and jihad.”] We tried, but it was a hard slog. Here are some notes from the meeting and…
Sen. Cantwell sponsors extension of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
At a forum on low income housing and homelessness prevention Friday, August 26, Sen. Maria Cantwell discussed the bill that she is co-sponsoring with Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe to extend and strengthen the affordable housing tax credit. The forum took place at the Salishan housing development in Tacoma and was attended by about 300 people…
Quickie: Reichert wimps out
On Friday evening Republican Congressman Dave Reichert was supposed to attend a fundraiser in Bellevue, but he canceled — probably because of the protests that MoveOn had planned for the event.
Quickie: Republicans oppose this tax cut
Because it benefits the middle class: For Some in G.O.P., a Tax Cut Not Worth Embracing.
Climate Reality?
Haven’t had time to look hard at this group – Climate Reality, but at first glance it appears to be an education campaign. I am down with that.
Hurricane Irene
Global warming, big hurricanes. Any questions? Governor Rick Perry – please report to the North Carolina Coast to pray this huge storm away. For those of you hanging over on the right coast, move to high ground. Find a dry place and stay safe. Think about the long term impact of global warming and what…