The Great Postal Heist: How the GOP Manufactured the Postal Crisis

[The US Postal Service] faces destruction faces destruction – thanks to Republicans in Congress, acting for huge corporations through a manufactured “Shock Doctrine” crisis. This is an attack on unionized public workers like the attacks on teachers and state workers in Wisconsin and elsewhere. The postal service would be operating in surplus if not for…

Quickie: Occupy Wall Street Day 9 – 200+ Arrested – MSM Finally Wake-up

Occupy Wall Street: Day 9 – 200+ Arrested – MSM Finally Wake-up Yesterday between 121 and 200 protesters were arrested when a peaceful march of approximately 2,000 headed to Union Square to spread the word about their occupation for emancipation from a corrupt economic and financial system. The events made news in many national MSM…

Seattle Sunday Events: Stop Keystone XL Pipeline, Occupy Seattle

Sunday, the “Tarsands Action: Stop Keystone XL Pipeline” folks are rallying in front of the Paramount Theater, 911 Pine St. from 10:45-3:00, where President Obama will have a fundraiser. The Seattle Chapter of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship will be meditating and walking around the theater prior to that. RSVP Here: Other local events are…

Let's Beautify Downtown Olympia – Open the Bathrooms at City Hall

Dear Sirs and Madams: Could the City make arrangements to have the public bathrooms at City Hall open on a 24 hour basis? We have already paid the construction cost, there is pretty good security in that building and there is daily maintenance of the bathrooms. We really need to increase access to public bathrooms…