The American Fall: whither the Wall Street protest movement?
The protests on Wall Street and their coverage are long overdue. Combined with the upcoming Oct 6 protests in D.C. we may be on the verge of an American Fall akin to the Arab Spring. But where’s the movement heading? What leaders, if any, will guide the anger and energy into constructive change? Or will…
United Steel Workers support Wall Street protests
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 30, 2011 — Leo W. Gerard, International President of the United Steelworkers (USW), North America’s largest industrial union with 1.2 million active and retired members, today issued the following statement in support of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement: “The United Steelworkers (USW) union stands in solidarity with and strongly supports Occupy Wall…
Obama in 2012
They are worse, but Obama has done a terrible job overall, protecting and aiding the GOP in their plan to continue imperialism and overturn the New Deal.
Memo to Rick Perry
Your state is on fire, the drought is causing rivers and lakes to dry up and that could go on for a long time. Meanwhile, ice shelves in Canada are collapsing faster than expected and these collapses will serve to speed global warming at ocean surface absorbs more solar radiation than ice surface which reflects…
Are things bad enough yet?
With good reason, lots of people are really upset about what has happened to our country over the past decade: torture, war-mongering, corruption, willful mismanagement, election fraud, socialism for the rich, outsourcing of jobs and profits, increasing concentration of wealth, lack of accountability, suppression of scientific findings, prosecution of innocent people … you name it.…
Quickie: Great, disturbing coverage (of the coverage) of the Wall Street protests
Some Breaks in the Blackout of Wall Street Protests
Remember when?
Source: unknown
How can WA Dems pressure Senator Murray to stand firm?
I’ve heard from several activists that their efforts to talk to Senator Murray and her staff are having little success I’m a member of the Healthy WA Coalition, along with about 100 groups, and so far, even though our efforts have made the news and rated a (negative) op-ed in the Seattle Times, we haven’t…
Quickie: Bush barred from Canada
Last week, Bush was forced to cancel a fundraising appearance in Toronto, Canada at Tyndale University College and Seminary, an evangelical Christian school. Students and faculty members protested and petitioned to keep him away from their school. Their petition said: “We believe that no amount of new money can justify profiting from a former figurehead…
Paul Craig Robert's "Saving the Rich, Losing the Economy"
From Counterpunch, by Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Economic policy failed for three reasons:Â (1) policymakers focused on enabling offshoring corporations to move middle class jobs, and the consumer demand, tax base, GDP, and careers associated with the jobs, to…