People’s Rights Amendment

(From here, where you can sign.) Section 1. We the people who ordain and establish this Constitution intend the rights protected by this Constitution to be the rights of natural persons. Section 2. The words people, person, or citizen as used in this Constitution do not include corporations, limited liability companies or other corporate entities…

Video of Occupy Seattle octogenarian activist Dorli Rainey

Occupy Seattle: Octogenarian activist Dorli Rainey on being pepper-sprayed by Seattle police, importance of activism Rainey is so inspiring! Video of interview with Keith Olbermann. Eighty-four-year-old activist Dorli Rainey tells Keith about her experience getting pepper-sprayed by the police during an Occupy Seattle demonstration and the need to take action and spread the word of…

Recall or censure Patty Murray if the Super Committee proposes cuts to Social Security and Medicare

Washington is one of 18 states allowing for recalls of sitting US Senators. (See here and here.) If the Super Committee that Senator Patty Murray is co-chairing proposes cuts to Social Security and Medicare I believe Washingtonians should mount a recall effort against her.  This is especially needed if the Super Committee endorses  no tax…

QE4: Forgive the Students, by Ellen Brown

Ellen Brown explains why wiping out student debt would stimulate the economy, and how it can be done.  Please pass it along, and consider printing out a few flyers to pass out wherever you occupy:   QE4: FORGIVE THE STUDENTS Among the demands of the Wall Street protesters is student debt forgiveness—a debt “jubilee.” Occupy Philly has…

Resolution to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana

(The following resolution has been adopted by numerous state Democratic organizations, as shown at the bottom) Resolution Endorse and Support the Passage of Initiative Measure No. 502 To Legalize, Tax, and Regulate Marijuana for Adults 21 and Over WHEREAS thousands of Washington adults are arrested, prosecuted, and convicted for simple marijuana possession each year, wasting…

Is the Democratic Party dead as a progressive force?

All indications are that the Super Committee will slash Social Security and Medicare, while allowing the 1% to retain their unconscionable tax breaks and allowing the military budget to get off relatively unscathed. (My Inbox is filled with warnings to this effect, from advocacy groups.) The Obama Administration, staffed with Wall Street executives and Bush-era…

Occupy the Courts — Jan 12, 2012

Occupy the Courts — Jan 12, 2012 Call to Action Inspired by our friends at Occupy Wall Street, and Dr. Cornel West, Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark the second anniversary of the infamous Citizens United v. FEC decision! Occupy the Courts will be a one day occupation of Federal courthouses across the country, including the…

The Health Care Movie

Sunday evening about 200 people attended a screening of The Health Care Movie, a professionally crafted documentary about Canada’s single payer health care system. The movie tells the history of the struggle for a single payer system in Canada. Canadian doctors went on strike to protest single payer when it first came out. But nowadays…