Victory for Free Speech at the Capitol

A strong victory was awarded today to dozens of Capitol protesters who received warnings banning them from the legislative campus after demonstrating their opposition to $2 billion in proposed state budget cuts. U.S. District Court Judge Robert J. Bryan issued a temporary restraining order that prevents the Washington State Patrol from issuing trespass warnings that…

Bush Administration Advanced Solyndra Loan Guarantee for Two Years, Media Blow the Story

Stephen Lacey and Richard Caperton report in Exclusive Timeline: Bush Administration Advanced Solyndra Loan Guarantee for Two Years, Media Blow the Story: It’s often claimed that the Solyndra loan guarantee was “rushed through” by the Obama Administration for political reasons. In fact, the Solyndra loan guarantee was a multi-year process that the Bush Administration launched…

Quick link: “Rich people don’t create jobs” — Seattle rich guy

“Rich people don’t create jobs” — Seattle rich guy Jobs and prosperity are hurt — not helped — by a tax system that bestows its bounty on the super-rich and saps the middle class of buying power, according to a prominent Seattle entrepreneur. … The super-rich paid about 40 percent in taxes during the prosperous…

Obamacare the path to single-payer? Or to insurance companies as utilities?

There’s a provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) “called the medical loss ratio, that requires health insurance companies to spend 80% of the consumers’ premium dollars they collect—85% for large group insurers—on actual medical care rather than overhead, marketing expenses and profit.” The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes Today-Hallelujah! Today, the…

Sisters Organize for Survivial Meeting, Thurs. 12/8 at 7pm

Thurs., December 8, 7pm Sisters Organize for Survival meeting: The special session: We came, we protested, we occupied! The special session of the Washington state legislature was met with mass outrage about the proposed $2 billion in cuts to vital services. Come hear eyewitness accounts from folks who marched, demonstrated and participated in civil disobedience…

Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson running for President

Rocky Anderson returns — this time shooting for president Disgusted with what he calls the corrupting influence of corporate money and militarism in politics, former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson is launching a new national political party and will likely be its presidential nominee. “The end game is changing public policy in the interest…