Save the News: Stand with arrested journalists
Stand with arrested journalists So far more than 50 journalists, including eight last week, have been arrested in the U.S. while covering the Occupy Wall Street movement. Last Wednesday a documentary filmmaker was arrested for trying to film a congressional hearing; another had his footage erased by police. Unfortunately, the situation is grim on many…
Link: US Business and Government Colluding to Fill American Jobs with Foreign Workers?
US Business and Government Colluding to Fill American Jobs with Foreign Workers?
World Life Expectancy – Interesting Website Shared by My Friends at TC Pro-Net
The Thurston County Progressive Network are a great bunch of folks who work year-round to produce a more progressive community in the Olympia area. In this week’s calendar they share a link to World Life Expectancy website and a cancer cluster map. It’s an interesting website from an epidemiology perspective. The suggestion in the cancer…
NYTimes: Army officer challenges Pentagon's Afghanistan reports
Army officer challenges Pentagon’s Afghanistan reports “How many more men must die in support of a mission that is not succeeding?“
How money bought State Senate seats in the 2010 election
There were only a few competitive State Senate races in 2010. The Republicans won all of the close races with the exception of the 44th LD and 26th LD, where conservative Dems won by outspending their Republican opponents more than two to one. The following campaign spending figures are from the Public Disclosure Commission. (The…
Ayn Rand versus Jesus
Source unknown Ayn Rand (conservative hero): “I am against God. I don’t approve of religion. It is a sign of a psychological weakness …. I regard it as evil.” Jesus Christ: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom…
I know some people with no feelings and no conscience
They have no qualms about doing nasty things such as polluting air and water and not paying their fair share in taxes. They’re called corporations, conservatives, and Koch brothers. And if, as right-to-lifers claim, embryos are people, then embryos too lack feelings and conscience since they have undeveloped nervous systems and are the size of…
Great indictment of "Private Inequity" firms
See this concise exposé of private-equity funds in the New Yorker: Private Inequity. As a result, private-equity firms are increasingly able to profit even if the companies they run go under—an outcome made much likelier by all the extra borrowing—and many companies have been getting picked clean. … The real reason that we should be…