Occupy CEHKC, April 24-25, to end homelessness
Occupy CEHKC, April 24-25 24-hours to change how Seattle sees homelessness Real Change, SHARE/WHEEL, and Nickelsville are calling upon the broader community to join us this April 24-25 in a 24-hour wake-up call to get real about ending homelessness AND meeting the short term needs of those who suffer on the streets. Since the Committee…
Obama prosecutes torture whistleblower
(Sure, the Repugs are worse, but that doesn’t excuse Obama from prosecuting the whistleblowers but not the torturers. If this news is accurate — and I assume it is — it is sickening indeed. I want to be able to support him, but he makes it hard.) Obama Indicts Sixth Whistleblower Under the Espionage Act…
Link: Republican State Senator Zarelli draws federal disability, eyes state cuts
The News Tribune is reporting Zarelli draws federal disability, eyes state cuts A Washington [State] lawmaker has been drawing thousands of dollars in disability payments each year while leading efforts to eliminate benefits the state provides to others. A Washington lawmaker has been drawing thousands of dollars in disability payments each year while leading efforts to…
Bush White House knew torture was illegal, tried to destroy evidence
New Bush-Era Torture Memo Released, Raises Questions About What Has Changed And What Hasn’t
Looking Back on The Limits To Growth
and looking forward to the predicted drop in pollution! Here is the frame: In 1972 a bunch of computer nerds were commissioned by the Club of Rome to complete computer modeling of finite resources, rates of consumption and population growth. The output was a book called The Limits to Growth. It caused a bit of…
US House wants laxer gun laws
Mayors against Illegal Guns is reporting: Before he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman had been arrested for assaulting a police officer and subject to a court order for domestic violence. But thanks to Florida’s lax gun standards, he was still able to get a permit to carry a concealed, loaded handgun. Now, the…
Evolve and Join the Pony-Based Economy with Vermin Supreme?
We do have options in the next election.
Talk – Helen Caldicott – Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility
Australian physician, Helen Caldicott, is Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility. Thanks toTodd Boyle for capturing Helen Caldicott’s lecture in Seattle, and Mike McCormick for editing.
More dirt on the Newsmax article attacking Islam
Yesterday I reported in Conservatives love to hate Islam that Newsmax (a conservative blog and website) had published an anti-Muslim article Muslim Marriage Guide OKs Wife Beating. I was skeptical of the story because I knew that Newsmax has a well-known neo-conservative bias. (Please see my earlier article Conservatives love to hate Islam for background.)…