35% purge rates, Now 11,000 missing voter histories
The mysterious disappearance of voting histories for 488 registered voters in Shelby County, Tennessee, discovered by Black Box Voting, attracted much attention and has been referred to the US Dept. of Justice for investigation by US Rep. Steve Cohen. Two important new developments: 1) An internal analysis conducted by the Tennessee Democratic Party and the…
Breaking Rock by Hand at the Quarry
It’s hard to know what to do in the current political environmental. Scanned a piece today on Climate and Capitalism website. This piece was a reaction to a favorable review of Derrick Jensen’s book Deep Green Resistance that ran on Canadian Dimension. Jensen seems to catch a lot of reactionary ink to his proposals to…
Washington State Lawmakers' Voting Scores on Peace
According to Peace Action’s Congressional Voting Record for last year’s session of Congress, only Senators Maria Cantwell (78%), Patty Murray (78%), Representatives Jim McDermott (74%), and Jay Inslee (57%) had respectable scores on issues related to war and military spending.  Rep. Dave Reichert had the worst record, scoring just 9%.  In the following chart, the…
Darcy Burner and Gen. Paul Eaton on Responsible Plan for Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Darcy Burner and Gen. Paul Eaton (ret) in Redmond, discussing the Responsible Plan to get out of Afghanistan. Sunday May 27, 2012
No justice for all
Created by: OnlineCriminalJusticeDegree.com
Who's funding Tim Eyman?
Fuse Washington says:
Occupy Seattle Live Stream
http://www.livestream.com/owsoccupyseattle http://www.livestream.com/owsoccupyseattle Currently, as I write this, they’re discussing how often to have General Assemblies and whether there should be a quorum (of 50?) for making decisions. They endlessly discuss process and how to make decisions. They bemoaned low turnout. I listened for about an hour. Sounds unproductive. Sometimes top-down, centralized, hierarchical organizations, with lots…
Thom Hartmann: Republicans have plotted treason and intentionally crashed the economy
Republicans made sure that the economy would remain in the doldrums in order to prevent Obama from winning a second term. They opposed virtually every Obama proposal. “The most corrupt, evil, and petty sort of politics this town has seen since Newt Gingrich shut down the government and threw millions out of work because Bill…
Western lawmakers plead for Big Government help
“One person was dead as massive wildfires in drought-parched Colorado and New Mexico burned out of control, while Western lawmakers pleaded for updates to an aging U.S. aerial firefighting fleet needed to combat a fire season that lasts year-round.” Whining for help from Big Government again? Deadly Western wildfires burn out of control
House committee schedules vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt
House committee schedules vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt The Repugs aren’t shy about prosecuting Dems. Why did Obama protect GOP criminals and hide the truth from the American people?   If he was threatened or blackmailed, he should say so publicly.