Marriage ceremony of Corporate Person and Angela Vogel
The Reverend Rich Lang officiated at the marriage ceremony between Corporate Person and Angela Vogel, on July 18, 2012 in Seattle. “On behalf of our true religion, the worship of the dollar … I pronounce as an ordained United Methodist pastor, that they are from this day forward husband and wife, one corporate flesh, to…
Quick Link: White House Strongly Supports DISCLOSE Act
White House Strongly Supports DISCLOSE Act “The Obama Administration strongly came out on Monday for the DISCLOSE (Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections) Act, which would require enhanced disclosures on TV and radio political advertising. It was a case of the White House supporting a bill supported by another Whitehouse, Sen.…
Quickie link: Medical Marijuana Use Sprouting In Israel
Medical Marijuana Use Sprouting In Israel
Who Deserves Sympathy?
I came across this article this morning and I wanted to share some thoughts about sympathy and sexual orientation. Social darwinism is probably better understood and more influential than the complexities of Darwin’s natural selection and evolution, even though there is good reason to spend time trying to understand Darwin’s ideas and little reason to…
Update on Delbene versus Ruderman
(Sunday, July 15) There was considerable unhappiness at the King County Dems picnic this afternoon. Members of the 45th LD complained about a Seattle Times article today. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2018697037_1stdistrict16m.html The above article claims that Laura Ruderman’s mother paid for attack ads on fellow Democrat Suzan Delbene. Margaret Rothschild said she paid for the PAC’s attack ads…
Quickie: McKenna aide: 'Shut up and speak English'
McKenna aide: ‘Shut up and speak English’ Kathlyn Ehl, a policy advisor to McKenna, sent out the following tweet on Jan. 25: “shut up and speak english #asians.”
Activist Alert: Say No to Big Coal
The surge of coal trains coming from Montana and Wyoming  to Washington State ports, carrying some 150 million tons of coal a year, will create horrific local and global effects.  This pillaging of the public commons for the short term profit of multinational mining corporations is not going to be stopped without an enormous fight.…
In a breathtaking act of betrayal, Democratic Rep. Deb Eddy endorses Republican Steve Litzow
The other day I got a glossy campaign mailing from State Senator Steve Litzow (Republican, 41st LD). It says front center: Dear Neighbor, As community leaders and mothers concerned for our children’s futures, we urge you to support re-election of Steve Litzow to the State Senate. His record of independent leadership on education and the…
Bring the peaceful fight to the banks on July 20
Friday July 20th will be an entire day of action. Starting at 10am we will begin sending activists into City Hall one by one to hand deliver a letter that calls on City Council to follow-through with Resolution 31337 (Sec 2.1). After the letter delivery (or during if enough people show up that it takes…
Resolution opposing New Sports Arena in Seattle
[This resolution is being considered by the King County Democrats; my inclination is to support the resolution.] Resolution in Opposition to Locating a Professional Sports Arena in Seattle’s Industrial Maritime District WHEREAS tens of thousands of dollars have been spent in support of building a third sports complex in Seattle’s maritime industrial district, with virtually…