GOP economic plan: take America back…to the Middle Ages
Credits:  http://sinisterdreams.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/reaganomics.jpg Related topics Bush recession Romney economic plan Obama economic plan Reaganomics trickle down economics class warfare According to the obfuscations of mainstream corporate media, neither President Barack Obama nor former governor Willard “Mitt†Romney has laid out a coherent economic plan for the thoughtful consideration of American voters. Huh? President Obama’s blueprint for…
MDC Forum: A State Bank for WA? Aug 22, noon, in Seattle
The Metropolitan District Club is holding a forum A State Bank for WA?, on Wednesday, August 22, from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. (600 Stewart Street, Suite 205), with speakers WA State Treasurer Jim McIntire (against) and banking and commercial real estate consultant Darel Grothaus (for), moderated by Seattle City Councilmember Gael Tarleton. Free and…
Republican apostasy: doing anything to help the middle class
Whether it’s about lowering taxes on the middle class, passing a jobs bill, regulating Wall Street, stopping outsourcing of jobs, or providing health care for Americans, the Republican base is adamant that Republicans do nothing to help the middle class.  Hence Mitt Romney is getting hammered for RomneyCare in MA, as reported by Daily Kos.
Climate Change Deniers are Completely Ridiculous
Conservatives and Climate Change: The Devastating Irony
Republicans censored report warning of threat from right wing extremists
Former DHS Analyst Daryl Johnson on How He Was Silenced for Warning of Far-Right Militants in U.S
Mitt Romney Started Bain Capital With Money From Families Tied To Death Squads
The HuffPost is reporting here what Thom Hartmann touched upon during his visit to the Seattle area a few weeks ago for the AM 1090 forum, as I reported here. “The death squads committed atrocities on such a mass scale for so small a country that their killing spree sparked international condemnation”
Karl Rove to raise cash for Reichert, who is way ahead in campaign funding
Republicans Congress man Dave Reichert (8thCD) “already has nearly $600,000 in his campaign account, compared to $31,000 for Democratic challenger Karen Porterfield.” From Karl Rove in Bellevue to raise cash for Reichert, NRCC This for the guy (Republican Reichert) who didn’t know what Glass-Steagall was when asked, at a 2010 candidates’ forum in Newcastle whether…
Show them who's boss
Let’s show Wall Street, CEOs of mega-corporation, the international banksters and their lapdogs the Democrat and Republican Parties just who are the real bosses in this country. Both the Democratic and the Republican Parties smugly rest assured knowing that you will vote for one party or the other because they have set the stage to…