Frank Thomas and Glen Ford on Obama
In Obama’s squandered hope Frank Thomas criticizes President Obama for being too conciliatory — for imagining that the main problem facing the nation was an excess of partisanship and that by reaching out to Republicans he (Obama) could transcend the divisions of the Bush years and, together with Republicans, solve the problems facing the nation.…
If you can afford to buy an election, you can afford to pay higher taxes!
From Chalkupy Chalkupy Boston Pictures of sidewalk chalk writing by Occupiers which has sometimes resulted in arrests and riot police shooting chalkers with rubber bullets. By: Occupy Chicago
No Justice For Rachel Today
Thanks to Drew Hendricks for sending a link and this sad news. No justice for the Corrie family today at Court. Join us on Wednesday at 6:30 pm at Traditions Cafe 300 Fifth in Olympia for a videoconference call with Craig and Cindy. Rachel’s Foundation is here. Information about the Traditions event on Wednesday night…
Legitimate Rape, sung by the Renegade Raging Grannies
From Raging Grannies Songs Author: Vicki Ryder Tune: “Zip-a-dee-doo-dah” “Legitimate rape†is great birth control. So says Todd Akin, and he oughta know. If we are raped we can rest unafraid, ‘Cause we can’t get pregnant if forcibly laid. Our female bodies are clever that way, We only get pregnant when we say “okay.†Doctors…
Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Make Us Sick! — march and rally Thursday in Seattle
Working Washington is holding a march and rally: Thursday, August 30th 11 AM, Corner of Boren and James, (RSVP to the right) Rally and March from Seattle’s historic First Hill neighborhood to McKenna’s International District Office Thursday, August 30th 11 AM Corner of Boren and James (RSVP to the right) Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan…
The Battle of Blair Mountain
Alan Grayson sent out an email about this. He asked: “Now let me ask you one thing: had you ever heard of this landmark event in American history, the Battle of Blair Mountain, before you read this? And if not, then why not? Think about that.” “The Battle of Blair Mountain was one of the…
Republican Gloating
Thom Hartmann said this well in this video. Thing is: would the swing voters understand it and believe it? It would have to be compressed to a few words, and the message is tricky to convey because it sounds like the blame game. I recently heard a Repug respond: is Obama STILL trying to blame…
Short Term Profits or Long Term Survival?
The science is in. Climate change is happening, and it is caused by human activity. Yet the oil and gas industries continue to use their immense cash reserves to fund the campaigns of politicians who are climate change deniers. There is a perfectly understandable reason for them doing so: it is profitable. Bought-and-paid-for politicians granted…
Corporate Democrats ruin the Democratic brand
I think it is important to distinguish rank and file Democrats from the Corporate Crony Current leaders of the Democratic party. Â These leaders have betrayed rank and file Democrats. My view is that the PEOPLE themselves are the Democratic Party. They are already on our side. FDR Democrats are still there. They simply do not…
Republican hypocrisy about government and taxation
Both apparently from http://www.facebook.com/ThePlatznerPost