My Favorite Things (Conservative Version)
Conservative Favorite Things (lyrics and vocals by Don Smith) I wrote this about five years ago but re-recorded it with a voice track over an orchestral accompaniment. If you have a good voice, please contact me. Click here for an animated version of this with guitar and vocal, sung by Scot Lee. Tax cuts for…
The REAL "Entitlement" Programs Benefit the Rich
“Real entitlement programs are ones where beneficiaries do not contribute, like when we working taxpayers pay bankers hundreds of billions of dollars “interest” on their reserves, or pay for puffed-up and no-bid government contracts or farm and oil subsidies, or pay pharmaceutical companies full retail price instead of negotiating discounts, or “borrow” money from the…
Reclaiming Christianity from the Right
Faithful America writes: We’ve all seen how right-wing extremists have given Christianity a bad name by twisting Jesus’ message of love and reconciliation into a hateful political agenda. But the truth is that they don’t represent the overwhelming majority of Christians. And there are literally millions of us who are ready to take on the…
Ocean Report
A couple of items on things oceanic came to my attention this week. NYT had a story on collapse of the cod fishery: The Shocking News About Cod The ideal fish for human consumption would mature quickly and reproduce in staggering numbers. This does not describe the Atlantic cod. Cod mature late — at 4…
Check your voting registration and voting history, or register
To check your records visit:Â https://wei.sos.wa.gov/agency/osos/en/pages/myvote.aspx Click here to register to vote
Alan Grayson on the history of opposition to Social Security
Yesterday, I wrote that all the crocodile tears that the Right Wing sheds for the supposed insolvency of Social Security are just a cover story for what they really want to do, i.e., destroy Social Security. My Tea Party opponent is a perfect example of this: he calls Social Security a “Ponzi scheme”; he calls…
Right wing WPC proposes WA constitutional amendment on 2/3 supermajority requirement
The right wing think tank Washington Policy Center is proposing an amendment to the Washington State Constitution to make a permanent 2/3 super-majority requirement on raising revenue. See Citizens’ Guide to Initiative 1185: To Affirm the Two-thirds Vote Requirement for Tax Increases. Duch an amendment will be needed if the State Supreme Court rules I-1153…
Empower Women: Solidarity, Equity and Activist Support Network
SEASN (Solidarity, Equity and Activist Support Network) provides education, training and support to empower activists to be leaders in the social movement towards equity for all oppressed peoples. We advocate that no voices be silenced due to the pervasive patriarchy that exists within the activist community and throughout our society as a whole. We believe…