Why we should retire 401(k) plans for pensions
Eight years ago, while thousands of corporations were shutting down their retirement plans, the United Methodist Church decided to go back to the future. The Methodists took a lesson from their faith. The Methodist Book of Discipline guides the church in employment practices, and states that the church is “to discharge our fiduciary duty solely…
Michael Parenti on the Pathology of Wealth
Next Friday night, Oct 19th. Community potluck, meet and greet the author, book sales thanks to Last Word Books and free talk from Dr. Michael Parenti at 7 pm. Lecture Hall 1 at The Evergreen State College in Olympia. For more details, go to the Facebook Event for the People’s Movement Assembly.
Link: Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years
Repeat After Me: Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years
What about the Middle Class?
The title of recent article in Bloomberg Businessweek says it all: Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened. Much of this imbalance in income growth can be explained by looking at where the growth has happened. Big gains in the stock market have buoyed most indexes close to pre-recession levels, but…
Democratic State House candidate David Spring accuses Gregoire of bribery, endorses Republican Brad Toft
David Spring, a longtime Democratic activist and a candidate for State House in the 5th Legislative District, today accused Governor Gregoire of bribery: “there is abundant evidence that Governor Chris Gregoire gave Republican Senator Cheryl Pflug a one million dollar bribe to help the Democratic Party steal her Senate seat here in East King County.…
Florida charter schools: big money, little oversight
“But while charter schools have grown into a $400-million-a-year business in South Florida, receiving about $6,000 in taxpayer dollars for every student enrolled, they continue to operate with little public oversight. Even when charter schools have been caught violating state laws, school districts have few tools to demand compliance. Charter schools have become a parallel…
Global Warming – are we going to wake up and smell the carbon dioxide?
Big deal. Slow moving disaster. We can see it coming, like a slow moving avalanche, but we don’t appear to have the capacity to respond to slow moving disaster. McKibben has some thoughts on the situation:
Link: The Cancer Lobby
Great NY Times article on one example why we need government regulation: The Cancer Lobby