OpedNews Poll: Should Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson withdraw from the race, to avoid a repeat of 2000?
Click here for Poll: Should Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson withdraw from the race, to avoid a repeat of 2000?
Our Precious Freedoms
Three quotes for the day, courtesy Liberty Quotes. “It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either.” — Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for…
If Obama loses
Daniel Ellseberg has called on progressives living in swing states to vote for Obama.   Noam Chomsky (also no fan of Obama) has expressed similar sentiments. If I lived in a swing state, I’d probably reluctantly vote for Obama. If Obama loses by, say, 1%, I suppose Democrats will want to blame Jill Stein and Rocky…
Inspire Seattle: minutes from meeting on Climate Change
Announcements: Carrie Bogner urges InspireSeattle members to volunteer their time or make a contribution to help Democrat Jay Inslee in his race for governor and Democrat Bob Ferguson in his race for state attorney general. Both races are tight and both candidates can use your help. National Geographic photographer James Balog was once a climate-change skeptic. …
Michael Parenti, Savvina Chowdhury, Sarah Regan panel – Oct 20, 2012, Olympia
Michael Parenti, Savvina Chowdhury, Sarah Regan panel: “State of the Struggle” – at the Peoples’ Movement Assembly in Olympia WA, Oct 20, 2012
Plutocracy — The ultra-rich get to play a different game altogether
The ultra-rich get to play a different game altogether… Source: apparently https://www.facebook.com/TheOther98
Speech by Jill Stein (Green Party presidential candidate) in Olympia, Oct 20th
Published on Oct 20, 2012 Jill Stein, Green Party candidate for President — speaking to the Peoples’ Movement Assembly at Evergreen State College, Olympia Washington Oct. 20th 2012
Hey Romney, here's why
They wasted trillions of dollars in fraudulent, disastrous wars. They recklessly deregulated banking and securities. They corrupted and mismanaged government. They gave away almost trillions dollars in tax breaks and loopholes for the rich. They made incentives for corporations to ship jobs overseas.  They defunded education, making it harder for people to get the skills…
BEHIND THE VEIL: Never-Before-Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals
I can’t vouchsafe for the authenticity of this. I saw a link to this on facebook.
Warren Buffet on Trickle Down
From https://www.facebook.com/ThePoliticalChristian