Extreme Weather Events! Get used to them.
Lots of news coverage of Frankenstorm, but not much mention of the role that our carbon economy plays in the production of this storm. Hey, mainstream media, can you say Global Warming? Here is what Joe Romm has to say about Hurricane Sandy: Why Hurricane Sandy Has Morphed into a ‘Frankenstorm’ — And Why We…
Confusing ballot wording for advisory votes
On the Washington State ballot, there is confusing wording for “Advisory Vote No. 1: Engrossed Senate Bill 6635” : The legislature eliminated, without a vote of the people, a business and occupation tax deduction for certain financial institutions’ interest on residential loans, costing $170,000,000 in its first ten years, for government spending. This tax increase…
Ecotopia OR Fossil Fuel Corridor? Opposing Visions for the Future of the Pacific Northwest
The threatened transformation of the Pacific Northwest into an energy corridor for fossil fuels may be the region’s defining issue of our time. The battles against the pipelines, coal mines and coal plants, coal trains and coal ports, tankers, fracking and LNG export terminals in the Pacific Northwest are heating up. The Defend Our…
Drone Wars? Good Idea?
I guess we can try to get the word out.
God's punishment
Maybe the megastorm threatening the East Coast is punishment from God for ignoring global warming, for militarism, and for economic policies that favor the rich and cause tremendous death and suffering.
If Obama loses, don't blame progressives
If Obama loses, by 1% or 2% of the vote, some Dems may want to blame Jill Stein, Rocky Anderson, and their supporters — just as they blamed Nader and his supporters in 2000. I’ll shake my head and say, “WTF did you expect given what Obama did?” The Democratic Party let him get away…
Voter suppression scam in Washington State
Eleanor Munro of the Metropolitan Democratic Club  read an email message at the request of MDC Director Joan Burton. Ms Burton’s daughter received a phone call from the “Washington State Democratic Voter Identification Committee” (which does not exist) noting that because of printer errors she should not vote until she received a new ballot. Ms.…
Grand Jury Resisters Need Your Support
Friends are in jail. We don’t know how long they will be there. We don’t what criminal activity is being investigated that leads to these folks being jailed for refusing to answer Grand Jury questions. Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. First they came for the anarchists…. Jump in, you can help. We…
Gar Alperovitz at Seattle Town Hall
“The number that I find most unusual and gives you a sense of what is systemic about it is: The top 400 people, individuals — you could get them in this space if you squeeze just a little bit — have more wealth now than the bottom 180,000,000 Americans taken together. That’s a medieval number.…
More concerns about Fuse's voters guide
I got email this morning from MoveOn, about Fuse Washington’s so-called “Progressive Voters Guide.” As reported earlier here, Fuse is non-committal on the topic of charter schools: “Most progressive organizations are opposing I-1240. Because there are progressive education advocates on both sides of this initiative, we asked each of the campaigns to present their case.”  …