Shift Change: meaningful movie about worker owership, Bellevue July 25
Meaningful Movies/Eastside screens Shift Change on July 25 at 6:30PM at Holy Cross Lutheran, 4315 129th Pl. SE, Bellevue, WA 98006, near the corner of Newport Way and Factoria Blvd. in South Bellevue SHIFT CHANGE At a time when many are disillusioned with big banks and big business, and growing inequity in our country, employee…
What does it take for a family to make ends meet in Washington state today?
The “poverty levelâ€, as most people know it, is the income line below which a person or family is living in serious economic deprivation. But recognizing is what does a family need to live a modest, secure life – and how does that vary by where you live? Listen to the discussion on KUOW’s Weekday…
It's time to get organized about transit!
On June 30 we learned that the State Senate would not pass a local transit funding option – or any transportation package at all, for that matter – this session. Now King County Metro is preparing to cut our bus service by a whopping 17%. The failure of certain of our elected representatives in Olympia is…
BACKGROUND: US now has 'parallel Supreme Court' making secret law
Is any kind of meaningful democracy possible in a régime of secret law? — This is the question raised by the lead article in Sunday’s *New York Times*, which said that the FISA court “has quietly become almost a parallel Supreme Court, serving as the ultimate arbiter on surveillance issues and delivering opinions that will…
U.S. Corporations Pay A Lower Tax Rate Than Middle Class Families
See Thanks To ‘Loopholes’ U.S. Corporations Pay A Lower Tax Rate Than Middle Class Families (VIDEO)
Congestion Ahead
Congestion Ahead: Senate Republicans under Rodney Tom refuse to pass transportation budget. Leave early, hold your breath
Fact checking the Washington Policy Center's claims about education funding
The right wing Washington Policy Center has the following to say about the state education budget: “Washington’s school children had little to celebrate as lawmakers added $1.5 billion in new spending to an inefficient, unreformed K-12 public education system” (Key education reforms die leaving Washington’s school children little to celebrate). Is the $1.5 billion figure for…
Beat back the bank attack!
S.A.F.E. (Standing Against Foreclosure and Eviction) in Seattle successfully stopped a impending eviction by mobilizing the community to support one-another and stand-up to intimidation by corrupt banks. Visit www.SAFEinSeattle.org Amplify your Activism by visiting www.BackboneCampaign.org find us on FB at https://www.facebook.com/BackboneCamp… SAFE formed from an Occupy offshoot after a Eviction Protection weekend training with Backbone…
Wells Fargo, you can't hide. Everyone can see your greedy side!
Five members of SAFE (Standing Against Foreclosure & Eviction) were arrested Tuesday at a downtown Seattle branch of Wells Fargo as they protested the imminent eviction of Jeremy Griffin from his South Park home. While sitting in the bank’s lobby, the five chanted “We Shall Not Be Moved” and read a letter from Mr. Griffin…
Boeing wants tax breaks, as well as educated workers and transportation infrastructure
Jerry Cornfield, political reporter for the Everett Daily Herald, reports that Boeing wants the legislature to invest in training workers and educating greater numbers of engineers; improve the state’s transportation network including in and around its Everett factory; continue reforming [i.e., weakening] workers’ compensation; and don’t change a state standard on fish consumption in a…