Protect nature with smart transit plan
Don’t you feel lucky to live in this great state? Every day this summer we have had blue skies, mountains you can seemingly touch, sunny days and cool nights. Look west and gaze over Puget Sound to the Olympics. Look east and take in Mount Pilchuck and the Cascades. Look north and find Mount Baker.…
Needs vs. Profits
On every newsletter we send you and nearly every flyer, brochure, and banner we produce SAFE includes the words “Housing is a Human Right!†Our belief is that all human beings, solely because they are human beings, should have a right to safe, clean, and dignified shelter. This is a tad different from the way…
Biosafety Alliance's Conference on seeds and GMO, Friday and Saturday in Seattle
Justice Begins with Seeds International Conference 2013 August 2nd & 3rd Featuring Dr. Vandana Shiva Seattle, Washington Seattle First Presbyterian Church, 1013 8th Avenue, Seattle WA 98104 MAP Conference Schedule Day One          Day Two GMO Awareness Week Film Series GMO Speaker Training with Jeffrey Smith Register for Conference
Scope of Gateway Pacific Analysis is Bad News for Coal Industry
Government will review congestion and greenhouse gases. Eric de Place and Clark Williams-Derry on July 31, 2013 at 11:23 am. Hot off the presses: the three “co-lead†agencies in charge of reviewing the proposed Gateway Pacific coal export terminal at Cherry Point, Washington have published the scope of their review. The major takeaway is that…
The Anacortes Washington State Tea Party and its off-color, misogynist joke
The facebook page of the Washington State Tea Party posted the following crude, anti-woman joke. The joke was apparently posted by Andy Stevens. A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger, a liberal Democrat, and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland near Colville, WA. There was a large tree on one of…
My letter to the man who now has the power to reduce Bradley's sentence
My letter to the man who now has the power to reduce Bradley’s sentence:Â Major General Buchanan, The persecution of Bradley Manning, who honored his duty by reporting war crimes, is a dishonor to the U.S. military and government. The abuse he has suffered in prison is a crime, prohibited both by Geneva Convention and the…
Time to Fight for Working Women and the Middle Class
President Obama and Nancy Pelosi have shifted the economic debate in our nation’s capital back onto the right track with a renewed focus on working women and the middle class. The 30-year experiment with supply side economics – including deregulation, cutting taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations, and slashing public investments –  has been great…
C.A.W. Anti-War March & Rally, Westlake Center Saturday, Aug 3
Meet at Westlake, in Seattle, at 11am on Saturday, August 3rd for a Cascadians Against War Anti-War Rally & March to end at the Federal Building on 1st and Marion. Join us for a day of speaking out against legislative policy, current state of affairs, and injustices that are ever present in our daily lives.…
Corporations are psychopathic "persons"
Author Clive Boddy defines psychopaths as “totally heartless, totally ruthless and totally calculating in their approach to life.” That fits corporations to a T, since by law their only motivation is profit for the shareholders.
Credo Action calls for constituents to hold Adam Smith accountable
Credo Action has sent out the following email calling on constituents of Rep. Adam Smith to phone the representative and complain about his vote against the Amash/Conyers amendment that would have reined in NSA spying on Americans. Rep. Smith is ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, and his old district, near Olympia, included…