Sen. Rodney Tom to be featured speaker at far-right WPC event
The far-right think tank Washington Policy Center has announced a Solutions Summit on November 12 featuring Democrat-in-Name-Only Senator Rodney Tom. “This half-day conference will kick off with a breakfast featuring Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom and Bob Moore of Moore Information.” What a betrayal by a supposed Democrat.  It seems to me he shouldn’t be…
Stop the 50 “Ribble Republicans†from cutting Social Security and Medicare
Our federal government is being held hostage by a band of Republican extremists who want to radically re-shape our country. While Republicans have made high-profile attempts to defund President Obama’s signature health care law, that’s not their only target. 50 House Republicans, led by Rep. Reid Ribble of Wisconsin , sent a letter to Speaker…
David Goldstein Featured at Progressive Radio Northwest Community Forum, Tue Oct 29
Progressive Radio Northwest (PRNW) invites you to join American blogger and former Seattle talk radio host David Goldstein on Tuesday, October 29, for the second in our series of monthly get-togethers to meet each other, mingle and discuss issues central to our mission of bringing progressive radio back to the region. Goldstein address the question…
How Coal and Oil Trains Will Block Traffic Along the Columbia River
Trains will divide towns from the river for hours each day. by Eric de Place and John Abbotts from Sightline Oil and coal companies hope to dispatch scores of trains across the Northwest each day, bearing fuel to refineries and port terminals. To help the public understand the magnitude of these schemes, Sightline is highlighting key…
Cheer the Majority Coalition if you like ….
Enjoying the gridlock on I-405 and I-5? Wanna see more bridges collapse, like the Skagit River Bridge did earlier this year? Happy about the mentally deranged man who stabbed two people in Pioneer Square, killing one of them? Or about the practice of “warehousing” mentally ill patients due to the lack of psychiatric beds in…
October 14: Senate "Listening Tour" comes to Seattle
Seattle “Listening Tour” Stop Monday, October 14, 6:00pm – 9:00 pm King County Courthouse, Room 1001 10th Floor, 516 3rd Avenue, Seattle * Transit Riders & Allies Rally outside at 5 pm * Our Senators have been making their way around the state (starting with the Bellevue forum on September 17 where we gave Rodney…
Anarchism, libertarianism, and the way forward
In Are Occupiers aiding Grover Norquist? I presented a critique of anarchism, claiming that anarchist Occupiers were unwittingly aiding right-wing libertarians and ignoring the benefits of government. Dave Fryett responded to my analysis in On the Appeal of Anarchism, a Response to Don Smith’s “Are Anarchists in Occupy Aiding Grover Norquist?”. In this article I…
Reps Reichert, Hastings, and Rodgers voted to cut food stamps
All but 15 Republicans voted to cut foodstamps. See http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll476.xml All Democrats in the House voted against the bill. In Washington State, Republican reps Reichert, Hastings, and Rodgers voted to cut food stamps; Herrera Beutler did not vote. http://my.firedoglake.com/cranestation/2013/09/22/food-sunday-house-republicans-and-the-food-stamps-vote/
Ashley Sanders on Move to Amend
Ashley Sanders a Move to Amend national spokesperson spoke Sep. 28, 2013 in Seattle, Washington to build connections, inspire activism, and reveal the origins of corporate power in America. This is a national campaign for a Constitutional Amendment at MoveToAmend.org and a ballot initiative in approx. 20 states now, including Washington. Organizing to End Corporate…
Good bye, Dwight
Dwight Pelz announced his upcoming retirement as Chair of the Washington State Dems, effective Feb, 2014. Someone pointed out that Pelz helped raised $8 million for the Democratic Party in 2012. (I have not verified that figure.) But Pelz was viciously hostile towards Dennis Kucinich, when the former Congressman visited Washington State two years ago…