Working Washington reports:
People said demanding $15 an hour was unrealistic. They said it couldn’t be done. But this year’s elections proved them wrong. It’s official: SeaTac voted to pass the Good Jobs Initiative!
And Seattle is next. On December 5th, fast food workers are leading an all-day march from SeaTac to Seattle City Hall for $15.
Raising pay to $15/hour is the right thing to do. It also make economic sense. When workers get a raise, they put that money right back into the economy, kickstarting a cycle of prosperity that benefits everyone.
We will be starting at the Hilton Seattle Airport Hotel on 17620 International Blvd, SeaTac at 8:30am. We are breaking for lunch at Brighton Playfield on 6000 39th Ave S at 1:00pm.
For folks who can’t march all day we will gather at Hing Hay Park on 423 Maynard Ave at 4:00 then march to our culminating rally at Seattle City Hall.
We know big corporations aren’t just going to raise wages on their own, so workers, community members, and elected officials need to keep them in line to make sure they do the right thing.
Let’s get this done.
Nathan, Working Washington
P.S. Can’t make it to the whole march? Just meet us at Hing Hay Park for the final march to City Hall or help spread the word about the march on Facebook.