Working Washington reports:
We are dumping hundreds of lumps of coal on greedy CEOs right here in Seattle. They seem to think that the holidays are the perfect time for them to get more goodies from Congress in the form of lower tax rates and budget cuts for the rest of us.
They’re wrong and we are going to remind them that the holidays are a season of giving.
So we’re giving these Grinches what they’ve earned—lumps of coal. Join us on Wednesday, December 12, NOON, at Westlake Park.
We’re meeting at Westlake Park amongst all the holiday decorations and lights. From there we will go to these corporations–Macy’s, Bank of America and Chase, who think that they can lobby to keep their tax rates low while slashing budgets for the rest of us.
They don’t deserve anymore presents from Congress. They deserve lumps of coal.
Join us and spread the word. After all we want what we voted for—jobs, not cuts.
P.S. Don’t tell anyone, but there is a rumor that we may even have a special celebrity guest coming. Wanna know who? You’ll have to show up to find out.