Washington Liberals

Let's Beautify Downtown Olympia – Open the Bathrooms at City Hall

Dear Sirs and Madams:

Could the City make arrangements to have the public bathrooms at City Hall open on a 24 hour basis? We have already paid the construction cost, there is pretty good security in that building and there is daily maintenance of the bathrooms. We really need to increase access to public bathrooms in downtown Olympia. This is a win-win situation. We could “clean up” downtown Olympia in a meaningful way by making sure that visitors and residents of downtown Olympia can find a bathroom when they need one.

Thank you for considering this request.

Wiki Commons, courtesy Joe Mabel - there are bathrooms in this building!Sincerely,

Mike Coday

On 09/19/2011 08:27 AM, Danelle MacEwen wrote:


Mr. Coday:

Thank you for your suggestion and comments. Unfortunately this is not something that can be done as part of the immediate improvements to the artesian well area due to budget constraints. Please let me know if you have any other questions regarding the improvements at the well scheduled for this fall.


Danelle MacEwen

City of Olympia Public Works

601 Fourth Avenue E.

P.O. Box 1967

Olympia, WA 98507-1967

Office: (360) 753-8211

E-Mail: dmacewen@ci.olympia.wa.us


From: Mike Coday [mailto:mike@smallblueplanet.org]
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 1:13 PM
To: Danelle MacEwen; publicworks; Karen Rogers
Subject: Improvements to the Artesian Well – public bathrooms!


I suggest that the City consider addition of public bathroom to be open 7 days per week, 24 hours per day in the vicinity of the Artesian Well to improve the beauty and convenience of the downtown area. This would be a great location for public bathroom. It is in close proximity to City Hall and the Police Station, so maintenance and security of the bathroom would be easier in that location than it might be in several other locations in the downtown area.

The increase in numbers of people living on the streets and woods in Olympia have created increased demand for public bathrooms. I believe the City should address this problem with a compassionate solution and expand public bathroom access in the downtown area.

Thank you,

Mike Coday

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