Washington Liberals

InspireSeattle Social: "Transportation Issues", Sat., May 12th, 6:30pm

Inspire Seattle

InspireSeattle invites YOU to join us at our Social Forum:  Saturday, May 12th at 6:30PM.
Main discussion topic for this evening:  Transportation Issues in the Greater Seattle Region

Wedged in between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, Seattle has long suffered from traffic congestion.  With voters hesitant to make major investments in public transportation as the metropolitan area surrounding Seattle grew from the 1960s on, traffic congestion has remained a steady and growing problem.  Today, with major transportation projects underway, including the long debated replacement of the viaduct with a tunnel, Seattle’s transportation network seems continuously clogged from construction projects.

Will our current transportation plans and projects be successful at reducing Seattle traffic in a meaningful way?  How long will we be facing major construction delays?  Is Seattle really making meaningful strides in public transportation systems for the next decades?  Will Seattle be a leader in lowering our carbon emissions in the face of climate change?  How will needed improvements be funded, especially during difficult economic times?

Seattle City Council Member Tom Rasmussen, Chair of the Transportation Committee, will discuss these and other transportation questions with InspireSeattle the evening of May 12th.  Tom is also looking forward to hearing from InspireSeattle members their thoughts and ideas on this key topic for our city.

Please join us for this important discussion!

Guest Speaker: 

Tom Rasmussen:  

First elected to Seattle City Council in 2004, Tom’s current Council term runs through 2015.  Tom began his public service in Seattle as legislative aide to former Seattle city councilmember Jeanette Williams. Transportation issues were a primary focus of Tom’s work within the City Council.  During that time he also protected and improved Seattle’s environment by successfully organizing the support to save Seattle’s greenbelts and open spaces and acquiring historic Kubota Gardens.

As a community leader, Tom chaired the Parks Committee of the Queen Anne Community Council. He led the acquisition of property resulting in the development of one of the largest new parks on Queen Anne.  A long time advocate for human rights and social justice locally and nationally, Tom served on the national board of Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund. He was a founder and first co-chair of the Privacy Fund the state-wide organization in Washington created to work for the rights of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered people.

Tom is a member of the Washington State Bar Association. He is a former Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Yakima County and continues to work for victims of crime and neglect.

Come join us for what should be a very important and interesting evening!!!

About InspireSeattle:

InspireSeattle is a progressive network of Seattle-area people sharing ideas and supporting action.  InspireSeattle’s vision is to create connection throughout our community and better community through activism.  InspireSeattle’s mission is to provide a fun, supportive gathering for people who care deeply about our community, our country and our planet. We embrace progressive policies that improve our society and protect our environment.  We discuss current issues, share ideas and activism efforts while striving to inspire additional action.  Subscribe (or unsubscribe) to InspireSeattle by visiting www.inspireseattle.org/contact.html.

When:  Saturday, May 12th at 6:30PM.  Please try to be on time!!!

Where:  Dave and Shamah Gamrath’s place, 4310 SW Atlantic St., Seattle  WA  98116, 206-938-8460.

Google map:  http://g.co/maps/2ycn4

Directions:  Go west over the West Seattle bridge – take the Admiral Way exit – go up hill to California Ave SW – go right (north) on California – go 8 blocks to Atlantic – go left (west) on Atlantic – first house on right.



It’s a potluck:  so please help out and bring something to eat and to drink!

6:30 to 7:45:  Social time!  Eat, drink, relax, and catch up with some other local progressives

Formal discussion, 7:45 to 9:30

Official Welcome and “Rules of Engagement!” – Thank you for coming out!

Guest Speakers!

Sharing of Activism Efforts by Folks in Our Group – please share with us your actions!

Activism Opportunities for the Next Month – what ideas can you share?

Book Club – Quick status of Book Club activities

Other Announcements – got any?

Plan for Next Event


Rules of Engagement!

1.  So that everyone has a chance to participate, please keep your comments short

2.  Raise one’s hand to ask a question in lieu of shouting out

3.  Respect the points of views of others

4.  No arguing of politics during the formal discussion – save that for afterwards! 

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