Washington Liberals

Information about the sale of Fisher Communications to Sinclair

Fisher Communications, owner of Seattle’s KOMO-TV and 19 other television stations, will be acquired for $373 million by Sinclair Broadcast Group, the country’s largest Fox affiliate.  Sinclair said it plans to keep Fisher’s three Seattle radio stations — KOMO Newsradio, KPLZ STAR 101.5 and KVI 570 — even though its focus is TV. (Seattle Times, April 11, 2013: http://seattletimes.com/html/businesstechnology/2020756564_fisherbroadcastingxml.html)

In a recent conversation with someone who knows the Fisher family, I learned that the family only owns 30% of the stock in what is now a publicly traded company.  So, the decision to go ahead with this sale to a highly conservative media group is in the hands of the Fisher stockholders.  The Fisher family does have a long-time reputation as liberal (Dan Evans) Republicans, a species that may no longer exist, but there may be some hope that the family will want to purchase a station that could become a new progressive broadcasting station in the Seattle Area.  We can hope.

Come to the Meaningful Movie Night in Wallingford this Friday, showing “Corporate FM…the killing of local commercial radio.”  Here is another story about the demise of the public airways.  The film shows at 7:00 PM at the Keystone Congregational United Church of Christ, 5019 Keystone Place N., Seattle.   For more information, check the website: http://meaningfulmovies.org/

You can hear your favorite progressive talkers for free using IHeart Radio.
You can register for free and access several live progressive radio stations!  http://www.iheart.com/mobile/

If you know anyone who hasn’t signed our petition, please send them the link:


We are still working to find an effecient way for our Rally/Party planners to meet and organize.  The Wiki Site proved to be cumbersome and not very helpful.  You will be hearing from us soon RE:  place to meet.

We also hope to have a table with info about Progressive Radio Seattle  (PRS) and our efforts at the Meaningful Movies on Friday, May 17.  (see above info).

Thanks everyone.

Julia and Progressive Radio Seattle Team

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