I’ve heard from several activists that their efforts to talk to Senator Murray and her staff are having little success
I’m a member of the Healthy WA Coalition, along with about 100 groups, and so far, even though our efforts have made the news and rated a (negative) op-ed in the Seattle Times, we haven’t gotten an audience with her.
A MoveOn organizer said:
Some council leaders just met with her staff a week or two ago and learned nothing. Her senior staffer wouldn’t tell me anything when I called three weeks ago either.
So, I’m thinking: Could we get Senator Murray’s attention if state legislators, chairs of the LDs, and others signed a petition or letter and if the letter were widely promoted in the media and on the Internet? Would Rep. Jim McDermott and other members of the Washington State Congressional delegation sign such a letter? Would State Chair Dwight Pelz sign on?
My fear is that Sen. Murray will be more interested in protecting Boeing and Microsoft’s profits than in protecting Social Security and Medicare and or eliminating unfair tax breaks for rich folks.