Demonstrate & March on Labor Day for:
Social Security & Medicare
Preserve Them! Strengthen Them! Pass Them On!
Labor Day, September 2, 2013
The annual Labor Day Celebration sponsored by the Martin Luther King Jr. County LaborCouncil is the venue for this demonstration.
People arriving later than 10 a.m. can meet us at N 50th & Greenlake AV N
 The picnic begins at 11 a.m.
 Sponsored by Social Security Works WA, M.L. King County Labor Council & Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA)
Robby Stern of Washington State Labor Council reports:
I am pleased to report that Rep. Jim McDermott has become an original co-sponsor of Rep. Sanchez’s “Strengthen Social Security Act”, which is the companion bill to the Harkin-Begich bill, S. 567 that has been introduced in the U.S. Senate.
This bill is designed to increase benefits for current beneficiaries while making Social Security stronger for future generations. By updating the current benefit formula, benefits for current beneficiaries will be increased to provide a better standard of living.
To extend the life of the trust fund, the Strengthening Social Security Act would phase out the current taxable cap of $113,700, so that payroll taxes apply fairly to every dollar of wages. By improving the long-term financial condition of the trust fund, future generations will be able to receive the benefits they have earned while providing fairer benefits to current seniors.The bill would make sure that benefits better reflect the increasing costs facing seniors today by changing to the way cost-of-living adjustments are calculated. This is crucial for seniors facing the daunting challenge of meeting their healthcare needs.
The changes are estimated to preserve the trust fund through at least 2049. While more needs to be done to preserve and protect Social Security for future generations, the changes included in the Strengthening Social Security Act of 2013 are an important step.