Washington Liberals

Category: Uncategorized

  • AI, the great equalizer

    Many people fear that AI will replace workers and will be used to surveil, control, or even kill people. As Geoffrey Hinton, the “godfather of AI” and the inventor of many of the techniques used in generative AI says, fears that AI will be used to spread disinformation and to make the rich even richer.…

  • Chat GPT-4, write me a poem about U.S. hypocrisy concerning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, given the history …

    Write me a 12 line poem about the hypocrisy of the U.S. concerning the Russian invasion of Ukraine, given the U.S. invasion of Iraq and other countries, the U.S. occupation of one third of  Syria,  the presence of about 800 U.S. military bases overseas, and the history of provocative NATO expansion. In webs of power…

  • Jimmy Dore on the hypocrisy of the U.S. occupying Syrian territory while criticizing Russia

    In this youtube video U.S. Building ANOTHER Illegal Military Base in Syria, Jimmy Dore ridicules U.S. hypocritical criticism of Russia’s invasion and occupation of parts of Ukraine, when the U.S. continues to occupy a third of the sovereign nation of Syria. Jimmy Dore is  sortof like a left-wing Rush Limbaugh or Tucker Carlson. But many…

  • Peace deal for Ukraine and Russia, suggested by Chat-GPT4

    I signed up for OpenAI’s Chat-GPT4 and asked it, “Please formulate a workable peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.” Here’s how it responded: “As an AI language model, I can provide a general framework for a potential peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. However, it’s important to note that crafting a comprehensive and workable peace…

  • Banned prompts in Midjourney AI: showing Trump grabbing a kitten; Xi; jail

    In light of the recent conviction of Donald Trump for sexual abuse, I asked Midourney‘s AI image generation tool to create an image for “donald trump grabbing a scared kitten.”   Midjourney refused to create the image and the following message appeared: Banned prompt detected Sorry! Our AI moderator thinks this prompt is probably against our…

  • NY Times lies about Venezuela and the influence of U.S. foreign policy

    The New York Times daily email “The Morning” for May 8, 2023 — authored by journalist David Leonhardt — includes the following: When Democrats and progressive activists talk about undocumented immigration, they tend to emphasize forces in other countries — like wars and political oppression — that are beyond the control of the U.S. government.…

  • Senior U.S. diplomats, journalists, academics and secretaries of defense say: the U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine

    Please see this version

  • Image essay on U.S. militarism

    For documentation see How the U.S. provoked Russia in Ukraine: a compendium. Quoted in Glenn Greenwald’s WHO CAUSED THIS WAR? The US’s Twisted Interference in Ukraine. For documentation for the above two memes, see Glenn Greenwald’s WHO CAUSED THIS WAR? The US’ Twisted Interference in Ukraine. From Dennis Kucinich: The Enemy from Within From Jeffrey…

  • Something liberals and conservatives can agree on

    Liberals tend to dislike suburban sprawl and over-dependence on cars. Conservatives tend to dislike regulations and lack of freedom. Here’s a policy change that should satisfy both liberals’ desire for more walkable, self-sufficient neighborhoods and conservatives’ desire for more freedom. The proposal  is to loosen zoning regulations so as to allow homeowners to open small…

  • Stopping crime by helping SADs

    You are already paying for the drug habits of people with substance abuse disorder. Why not treat addiction in a more humane way that reduces crime, defunds drug gangs, better helps the addicted people, and saves society money? Lots of people complain about crime, especially property crime. People complain especially on websites such as nextdoor.…