
Forwarded email from Cindy Cole:
Consider what Bob Hasegawa fights for —
- A state (publicly-owned) investment bank (such as the Bank of North Dakota), so that our tax dollars are invested for local projects and jobs – not siphoned off for Wall Street’s profit.
- Public financing of campaigns – so that elected officials are beholden to voters, not to special interests.
- Tax policies based on fair share – not loopholes protected by high-powered lobbyists.
- Budget priorities that reflect community needs.
 We need to boost Bob Hasegawa into the Washington State Senate with wide popular support – to enhance his voice of leadership.
  Please join me in supporting Bob’s campaign!   Thursday, August 2nd, at the historic Panama Hotel, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.  Address and details below.
  If you are unable to attend that evening, please consider a contribution to Bob’s campaign – to show your support.
 Campaign website: http://bobhasegawa.com/    Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/BobHasegawa