Washington Liberals

Author: WKloefkorn

  • Comment on Jon Schwarz’s “Today’s Class War Is the 1 Percent Versus the People Just Below Them”

    Jon Schwarz in the Intercept wrote an intelligent and innovative essay Today’s Class War Is the 1 Percent Versus the People Just Below Them, in which he summarizes some of the economic history of the United States since World War Two and references Adam Smith’s warnings about the “great proprietors” of feudalism. Schwarz thinks the…

  • On RFK, Jr. and the New York Times

    Despite consistently negative media coverage, RFK Jr. easily polled a higher favorability rating (+19%) than either of the two presumptive nominees, who both are negative (-7% Biden, -10% Trump). The NYT article that ran Monday about the RFK Jr. campaign is typical of the slant to the news. Not an opinion piece, it nevertheless reeks…

  • Joe Lieberman supports the hard right Washington Policy Center

    Here’s a good reason to demand more from “Democratic” elected officials than a ‘D’ in parentheses after their name and a blue tee shirt. Otherwise, after they spend a career selling you out they go on to headline fundraisers for the Washington Policy Center, one of our state’s ALEC affiliates and a far-right dumb tank.…

  • Commentary on Unmair Haque’s “The Despair of the American Working Class is Real”

    The Despair of the American Working Class is Real Haque does a good job of outlining the deeds of the far right and the effects on its minions, many of whom are cutting their own throats. But one must also ask, why the supposedly Left-wing party, the Democrats, has NOT effectively fought the revived traditional…

  • Response to Yoni Appelbaum’s article in the Atlantic, How America Ends

    At its start, this article Yoni Appelbaum’s How America Ends bends over backwards to create a false equivalency between right and left extremists in terms of the use of violence. (If it weren’t for James Hodgkinson, they’d be hard pressed to name an incident on the left that is in the public consciousness). Nor is…

  • What real freedom includes

    Dear America, universal health care is what real freedom looks like Frank Luntz tells GOP politicians to use the word freedom a lot. Unfortunately, the only freedom they really represent is for the wealthiest to get wealthier and put their boots directly on the necks of the working class, with an emphasis on people of…

  • Trump will be elected?

    Huffington Post published an article by Michael Rosenblun: Donald Trump Is Going To Be Elected. See also Trump shatters GOP records with small donors. The American people will be losers no matter who wins the POTUS election . The problem, and therefore the solution, lies in the perceived understanding and emotions of those same American…

  • Should progressives vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination?

    My statement on the discussion of whether or not to vote for Clinton should Bernie not win the Democratic nomination and the many permutations of that discussion: I support the values embodied in the Democratic Party’s Washington State Platform (and many other state and local platforms, and quite a bit of what winds up in…

  • Bernie Sanders and Foreign Policy

    Bernie’s statement on regime change never being a good idea, and mentioning Guatemala, Mossadegh, and Allende is heading toward the vision of what we actually need to do. End our imperial foreign policy, start closing our military bases overseas, focus on our domestic problems. Whether it’s a winning issue with a majority of the public…

  • The nation is progressive!

    Once again, our nation, which largely holds progressive values has not shown them at the ballot box. Our party’s message and messaging, campaign techniques, and ability to deliver on its (vague) promises must all be called into question. Exit polling done Tuesday revealed that even among the (largely GOP-favoring) voters “A stunning 64 percent said…