Michael Parenti on the JFK Assassination

This is the best talk ever. Anyplace: Michael Parenti, THE JFK ASSASSINATION AND THE GANGSTER NATURE OF THE STATE Part ONE http://www.tucradio.org/MP025_JFK_ONE.mp3 Part TWO http://www.tucradio.org/MP025_JFK_TWO.mp3 When Oliver Stone’s movie JFK opened in December 1991 a huge PR campaign was mobilized against the film. Even progressives spoke out. Noam Chomsky wrote in support of the Warren…

Talks on Syria & Iran by Dick Blakney, Jim Eachus, and Richard Silverstein

Talk by Dick Blakney and Jim Eachus on the military crisis in Syria and recent openings from Iran. Delivered at Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation monthly meeting in Seattle Oct. 20, 2013. Part1 of 2: (Blakney and Eachus) Talk by Richard Silverstein on the military crisis in Syria and recent openings from Iran. Delivered at…

Ashley Sanders on Move to Amend

Ashley Sanders a Move to Amend national spokesperson spoke Sep. 28, 2013 in Seattle, Washington to build connections, inspire activism, and reveal the origins of corporate power in America. This is a national campaign for a Constitutional Amendment at MoveToAmend.org and a ballot initiative in approx. 20 states now, including Washington. Organizing to End Corporate…

Veterans For Peace Concert Saturday in Seattle, Jim Page video

Please join us Saturday night (the 27th at 7-pm) in Seattle for a great music performance for the benefit of Seattle Veterans For Peace. with Jim Page and Tom Neilson.  Veterans For Peace 92 Fundraising Concert Saturday, July 27th, 7:00 PM University Temple United Methodist Church, Fireside Room 1415 NE 43rd St. (at 15th Ave…