Washington Liberals

Author: Judith Shattuck

  • Resolution in Opposition to Cuts in Social Security

    We have adopted the following Resolution in Opposition to Cuts in Social Security. The full text is below. At our last meeting it was urged that our members take this resolution to their LD and County Democratic organization to seek adoption. As we edge closer to this issue being taken up in Congress, it’s especially…

  • Coal Train petition

    WE the People have the potential power to ask for a more comprehensive EIS review on coal mining, transport, and export, but we have to act (again) NOW! Because Coal Backers are becoming successful with moving along their “narrow” EIS. That’s why I signed a petition to The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate,…

  • Action Alert: ask your rep to support the Back to Work Budget

    The House of Representatives is going to vote on Paul Ryan’s latest budget Thursday.  If we want to stop this wrongheaded proposal, now is the time to act. Call your Representative!  Ask him/her to support the Back to Work Budget, the budget of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Main Switchboard  (202) 224-3121 Judith Shattuck, Chair Washington…

  • Action alert: contact House members to help overturn Citizens United

    Please take the following actions. After clicking on the links contained within the text you’ll need to wait a moment for it to open and then click on. In Solidarity, Judith Shattuck, Chair Washington State Progressive Caucus www.waprogressives.org From: wpc@washclean.org Subject: Time to Act on HJM 4001 Contact Your State House Members NOW! HJM 4001…

  • Share your stories with Senator Murray, Friday Feb 22

    SOLVE THE BUDGET PUZZLE: SHARING OUR STORIES WITH REPRESENTATIVES People’s Forum to “Protect Human Needs – Cut Pentagon Spending.” Seattle Labor Temple, 2800 1st Ave. Seattle, WA Friday, Feb 22, 7 TO 8:30 PM  PARKING AND LIGHT REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED This will be a free, public event where members of our community will share short, powerful stories…

  • Petition to WA Congressional Delegates concerning H.Res 733

    The petition below is urgent.  Please sign and pass it along to your LD mailing list.  Send the signed petition to chair@waprogressives.org the caucus so that it can be forwarded to our congressional delegation. In Solidarity,  Judith Shattuck, Chair, Washington State Progressive Caucus We, the undersigned elected and appointed PCOs in Washington State support and affirm…

  • Urgent! Call our Senators about the 2013 Defense Authorization bill

    Last Friday I met with our Senators Washington DC staff via video-conference as a member of a delegation of  faith, union and NGO leaders.  Our goal was to convey to our Senators a desire to sustain Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all safety net programs and make cuts to the military budget.  This request was met with a positive…