Washington Liberals

Author: Martha Koester

  • Stop the 50 “Ribble Republicans” from cutting Social Security and Medicare

    Our federal government is being held hostage by a band of Republican extremists who want to radically re-shape our country. While Republicans have made high-profile attempts to defund President Obama’s signature health care law, that’s not their only target. 50 House Republicans, led by Rep. Reid Ribble of Wisconsin , sent a letter to Speaker…

  • Rally against Chained CPI July 2 in Olympia

  • The IRS scandal

    The year 2010 gave us Citizens United. Suddenly corporations were people who had the right of free speech. But corporations didn’t want their free speech to be disclosed. Enter the Koch Bros., Dick Armey and Freedom Works. In their basement lab, they concocted the very first para-political party, the Tea Party, disguised as a social…

  • Resolution in defense of Social Security, passed by the 34th LD Dems

    Resolution Against the Use of the Chained CPI for Calculation Cost of Living Increases for Social Security and Other Programs. WHEREAS the current COLA already undercounts the higher inflation that seniors experience because they spend a disproportionate amount of their income on health care; and WHEREAS the chained CPI will result in a yearly 0.3%…

  • Are you still a Democrat if you want to cut Social Security?

    Roll Call: Most Democrats Vote AGAINST Progressive Budget Legislation, including: Rep. Suzan DelBene Rep. Denny Heck Rep. Rick Larsen Rep. Derek Kilmer Rep. Adam Smith The Progressive budget is the Back to Work Budget. Plenty of not particularly left sources think the Back To Work Budget an excellent idea. President Bill Clinton: “The most comprehensive…

  • Just Scrap the Cap in video contest – take action to defend Social Security

    From: Robby Stern <RStern@wslc.org> Here is a chance to do something really cool. Pete Peterson’s foundation is all about cutting Social Security. We can stick a needle into his efforts and promote the Scrap the Cap video. Just Scrap the Cap  was submitted to a video contest run by Pete Peterson’s foundation that is about…

  • March Legislative Town Hall meeting schedule

    Courtesy of our WSARA Secretary, Steven Kelly (IBT), I am forwarding the information below regarding upcoming town hall meetings by our state legislators.  Please go to http://oureconomicfuture.org/action/townhalls.html for more information.  Thanks to Steve for passing along this information. Legislators across the state are taking a break from session to hold town hall meetings in their…

  • Does the Republican caucus offer webinars in Stupid?

    http://seattlebikeblog.com/2013/03/02/state-lawmaker-says-bicycling-is-not-good-for-the-environment-should-be-taxed/ Representative Ed Orcutt (R – Kalama) does not think bicycling is environmentally friendly because the activity causes cyclists to have “an increased heart rate and respiration.” This is according to comments he made in an email to a constituent who questioned the wisdom of a new bike tax the legislature is considering as part…

  • How the sequester impacts Washington seniors

    Below is the Press Release that the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans set to all Washington state media outlets today regarding the impacts of the sequester.  Senators Murray and Cantwell Stand Up for Fairness Today, the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts, the “sequester,” took effect and soon our community will feel the impact on…

  • Social Security Works – Washington Upcoming Event

    Long-time opponents of Social Security spun wild yarns about the debt and deficit this summer, and during the run-up to the so-called “fiscal cliff”. Ignoring ten years of war and tax cuts for the wealthy (both purchased on the national credit card), as well as a pandemic of Wall Street greed that nearly sunk the…