
In The Truth About Obama’s Tax Proposal (and the Lies the Regressives are Telling About It), Robert Reich uses the word “regressives” to refer to our ideological opponents, who are often called “conservatives.” But regressives don’t conserve much of anything, except perhaps the wealth and power of the privileged few. Reich points out the lies…

Quickie: Biased headline from SF Chronicle and Bloomberg News

Biased headline: “Democrats Risk Fiscal Cliff by Targeting Top Earners’ Break“   The article discusses President Obama’s threat to allow the automatic cuts to take place if the Republicans don’t agree to end the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich. But the title implies that the Democrats would be to blame if that happened.

Texas GOP Declares: "No More Teaching of 'Critical Thinking Skills' in Texas Public Schools" by Danny Weil The Texas GOP’s declarative position against critical thinking in public schools, or any schools, for that matter, is now an official part of their political platform. It is public record in the Republican Party of Texas 2012 platform. With regard to critical thinking, the Republican Party of Texas document states: “Knowledge-Based…

Well-funded regressive initiatives on the ballot again in November

Tim Eyman is at it again. His I-1185 would re-instate the 2/3 super-majority requirement for the legislature for raising taxes (and eliminating tax exemptions), like its predecessor, I-1053. Another initiative, I-1240, would establish charter schools in Washington State. Both initiatives are well funded by corporations and are hardly the populist proposals their supporters would like…

Ross Hunter on education

State House Budget Chair Ross Hunter (D, 48th LD) sent out an email today to constituents and supporters. I’m writing to ask for your support to help continue our work: to reform and adequately fund Washington State’s education system, finish the 520 bridge, re-work the state budget so that it is more resilient to economic…

Time to impeach Clarence Thomas

Andrew Boyd of TheOther98%  is calling for the impeachment of Clarence Thomas. Enough. Is. Enough. It’s time to impeach Clarence Thomas. ( petition) We have a right to expect our Supreme Court to be impartial, fair, non-partisan and uncorrupted by money and access – but Associate Justice Clarence Thomas has so flagrantly betrayed these expectations,…