Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • KCDems Summer Picnic — Sunday, July 15

    (Editor’s note: King County Chair Steve Zemke is a strong progressive willing to stand up to Tim Eyman.  Joel Connelly reports that “King County Democratic Chairman Steve Zemke stood near Eyman in Olympia with a sign noting Big Oil’s contributions to” Eyman’s latest initiative. See article.) Please reserve a spot now for the Annual Summer…

  • Well-funded regressive initiatives on the ballot again in November

    Tim Eyman is at it again. His I-1185 would re-instate the 2/3 super-majority requirement for the legislature for raising taxes (and eliminating tax exemptions), like its predecessor, I-1053. Another initiative, I-1240, would establish charter schools in Washington State. Both initiatives are well funded by corporations and are hardly the populist proposals their supporters would like…

  • Ross Hunter on education

    State House Budget Chair Ross Hunter (D, 48th LD) sent out an email today to constituents and supporters. I’m writing to ask for your support to help continue our work: to reform and adequately fund Washington State’s education system, finish the 520 bridge, re-work the state budget so that it is more resilient to economic…

  • Time to impeach Clarence Thomas

    Andrew Boyd of TheOther98%  is calling for the impeachment of Clarence Thomas. Enough. Is. Enough. It’s time to impeach Clarence Thomas. (Change.org petition) We have a right to expect our Supreme Court to be impartial, fair, non-partisan and uncorrupted by money and access – but Associate Justice Clarence Thomas has so flagrantly betrayed these expectations,…

  • Born this way at 4th of July parade in Carnation

  • Is conservatism curable?

    In a brilliant article, Steven Jonas, Professor of Preventive Medicine at the School of Medicine, Stony Brook University (NY) Is Homophobia Curable?.  Don’t misread that. He’s asking is homoPHOBIA curable. This suggests another question: is conservatism curable?  For conservativism is clearly a moral disease of character, leading people to think it’s OK to: enrich the…

  • Romney Campaign caught lying about Bain Capital

    OpEdNews is reporting in Bain Bombshell Bottom Line: ROMNEY LIED that Mitt Romney and Bain Capital falsely claimed that he had broken ties with the company. But Mother Jones reports: documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission–and obtained by Mother Jones–list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And…

  • Violcence-lovers taking over some Occupy groups

    The Occupy Wall Street facebook page http://www.facebook.com/OccupyWallSt1 seems to have been hijacked by violence-loving Black Bloc members (or by infiltrators pretending to be such). I often see postings glorifying violence: images of protesters breaking windows or fighting police, with captions like “USA, GET SOME GREEK SPIRIT!” (See this image, for example.) This is bad news…

  • Raising alarms about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): worse than NAFTA

    America: A Fire Sale to Foreign Corporations The leaked document reveals that the trade agreement would give unprecedented political authority and legal protection to foreign corporations.  Specifically, TPP would (1) severely limit regulation of foreign corporations operating within U.S. boundaries, giving them greater rights than domestic firms, (2) extend incentives for U.S. firms to move …

  • Why Negative Political Attack Ads Work: 5 in 10 Americans Can’t Read, 8 in 10 Can’t Process

    “Negative political ads work. A majority of Americans form political opinions from ads in their entertainment programming. 51% of the adult population of the United States is barely functionally literate. 94% have varying degrees of difficulty “synthesizing” complicated concepts.” Click here to read the article.