Darcy Burner and Suzan DelBene, candidates for the 1st CD
In her 2006 and 2008 campaigns for Congress, Darcy Burner did not stake out strongly progressive views — presumably because she needed to appeal to conservatives in the southern part of the old 8th CD. This year Darcy is sounding much more progressive, as well as being a much better speaker. But is Suzan DelBene…
Afghan journalist tells of the sorry state of the disastrous war in Afghanistan
The New Yorker article After America Will civil war hit Afghanistan when the U.S. leaves? quotes Abdul Nasir, a journalist: “The Americans have failed to build a single sustainable institution here. All they have done is make a small group of people very rich. And now they are getting ready to go. … The Americans…
Small Business Baloney from the GOP
FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in the Media) is reporting: Small Business Baloney GOP tax claims should be factchecked Barack Obama’s July 9 announcement that he would extend the Bush tax cuts for income below $250,000 prompted the expected response from Republican politicians and presidential candidate Mitt Romney: This is a tax increase on “small businesses.”…
America the greatest country in the world?
from the beginning scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom.
Duke energy's rip-off of the public
Five hundred thousand dollars a minute. That’s not a figure about government spending or global banking transfers. That’s the latest outrageous payout to a corporate CEO. Bill Johnson was CEO of Duke Energy for all of twenty minutes before he picked up a paycheck for $10 million — part of a severance package totaling more…
In The Truth About Obama’s Tax Proposal (and the Lies the Regressives are Telling About It), Robert Reich uses the word “regressives” to refer to our ideological opponents, who are often called “conservatives.” But regressives don’t conserve much of anything, except perhaps the wealth and power of the privileged few. Reich points out the lies…
Foreclose on bankers and the 1% wankers
The 99% forecloses on Wells Fargo: “We showed up at Wells Fargo HQ in Seattle with one mission: foreclose on Wells Fargo with our posse. This is what happened next…”
Quickie: Biased headline from SF Chronicle and Bloomberg News
Biased headline: “Democrats Risk Fiscal Cliff by Targeting Top Earners’ Break“  The article discusses President Obama’s threat to allow the automatic cuts to take place if the Republicans don’t agree to end the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich. But the title implies that the Democrats would be to blame if that happened.
Non-violent week of action with Occupy Seattle Peacefully
Bring the Fight to the Banks Week of Action Schedule Hosted by Occupy Seattle Peacefully [The suffix “Peacefully” is necessary to thwart the Black Bloc from engaging in violence — aka “diversity of tactics” — that would harm the cause.] This will be a NON VIOLENT/ NON VANDALISTIC week of actions. July 13th through July…
Texas GOP Declares: "No More Teaching of 'Critical Thinking Skills' in Texas Public Schools"
http://truth-out.org/news/item/10144-texas-gop-declares-no-more-teaching-of-critical-thinking-skills-in-texas-public-schools by Danny Weil The Texas GOP’s declarative position against critical thinking in public schools, or any schools, for that matter, is now an official part of their political platform. It is public record in the Republican Party of Texas 2012 platform. With regard to critical thinking, the Republican Party of Texas document states: “Knowledge-Based…