Gregoire endorses Suzan DelBene, repeats GOP talking points about taxes

“I know Suzan DelBene personally. I put her private sector experience to work for our state as Director of the Department of Revenue. Suzan immediately went to work to help close the state’s budget gap while easing the burden on small businesses.” That last phrase repeats and reinforces a Republican talking point: that taxes are…

Are protests like prayers?

It struck me today that protest is like prayer. Both involve supplication. Both make you feel good. Both are largely ineffective unless someone powerful is listening. But only protests can become violent.  A violent prayer no longer counts as prayer. To the extent that protests are like prayers, and to the extent that you believe…

Marriage ceremony of Corporate Person and Angel Vogel: further video

As a follow-up to Marriage ceremony of Corporate Person and Angela Vogel, here’s  a longer, 31 minute video, including at minute 11:00 the Raging Grannies singing their funny song:    “Will she become like him, all arrogance and breed. What will their kids look like when they start to greed?”  

Quick link: Thank Sen. Whitehouse and Senate Democrats for fighting to pass the DISCLOSE Act

Thank Sen. Whitehouse and Senate Democrats for fighting to pass the DISCLOSE Act. Some progressive say the Dems are as bad as the Repugs. Though Dems sometimes compromise too much, and though there are some bad Dems, the GOP by far are worse, as I expounded in The myth that the Dems are as bad…

Quick Link: White House Strongly Supports DISCLOSE Act

White House Strongly Supports DISCLOSE Act “The Obama Administration strongly came out on Monday for the DISCLOSE (Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections) Act, which would require enhanced disclosures on TV and radio political advertising. It was a case of the White House supporting a bill supported by another Whitehouse, Sen….