Real Change 18th Annual Breakfast: Sept 20 WA State Convention Center
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Unemployment is high, income equality is increasing, tax rates are the lowest they’ve been in decades, and US debt is about $16 trillion dollars. The debt is due to unfunded disastrous wars, bailouts for billionaires, the Reagan and Bush tax cuts for the rich, corruption, the subprime crash, and high cost medical care resulting from…
Working Washington is starting up a SuperPAC (People’s Action Committee) to fight back against the 1%, especially on fair taxation and economic justice. This is just what we need in Washington State. They sent out an email: You’ve probably heard about SuperPACs. They’re the newest weapon in the political arsenal of the 1%. SuperPACs use…
It’s common and normal to want all sorts of things, even if we know we probably or definitely won’t get them. Wouldn’t you love to be smarter, more disciplined, more forgiving, and more serene? Wouldn’t it be great to have millions of dollars in the bank? Wouldn’t you like to be more physically attractive? Wouldn’t…
Real Change Reads is a new program that brings people together to discuss books that matter, and launches this month with 99 to 1: How Wealth Inequality is Wrecking the World and What We Can Do About It. Real Change Reads builds relationships across class to identify common interests and create a movement for economic…
A memorial to foreclosed homes By Safe Beacon Hill (Albums)
Arguments against libertarianism Regressives (aka “conservatives”) say that guns don’t kill, people do. So, despite the many deaths caused by easy access to guns, most regressives continue to oppose gun control, even for rapid-fire weapons. And they’re willing to pay for guns, because they think guns serve a valuable purpose. On the other hand, regressives…
No matter which way you vote, it sucks. Romney is worse, but not by that much. It may be reasonable to vote third-party and allow this election to go to Romney. It would teach the Dems a lesson so that in the future they don’t betray progressives. But the costs would be very high. See…
Upcoming Direct Actions: 3:00 PM, Sat., Aug. 11: Â On the Beacon Ave. So. median just north of So. Graham St. SAFE will be planting 250 two-dimensional homes in an array similar to the crosses at Arlington National Cemetery. Â In the center of the median, we will have a large sign identifying these homes as Bank…