Town Hall Seattle: Gar Alperovitz: America Beyond Capitalism

Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 7:30 – 9:00pm Downstairs at Town Hall; enter on Seneca Street. $5. Activist and economist Gar Alperovitz offers a diagnosis of what ails America, and prescribes what Noam Chomsky calls “concrete and feasible” solutions. Alperovitz’s emerging “new economy” strategies propose locally-based, bottom-up efforts that democratize wealth and empower communities—changing a faltering system that,…

The REAL "Entitlement" Programs Benefit the Rich

“Real entitlement programs are ones where beneficiaries do not contribute, like when we working taxpayers pay bankers hundreds of billions of dollars “interest” on their reserves, or pay for puffed-up and no-bid government contracts or farm and oil subsidies, or pay pharmaceutical companies full retail price instead of negotiating discounts, or “borrow” money from the…