Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • Link: The Cancer Lobby

    Great NY Times  article on one example why we need government regulation: The Cancer Lobby

  • Barack Obama's grand, ravaging bargain

    “In exchange for ravaging the most popular and successful programs Democrats have ever produced, and for a vital chunk of nearly every American’s retirement savings, Barack Obama’s grand bargain would have meant accepting an entire economic philosophy diametrically opposed to the one he had run on. For the most basic principles of public life to…

  • Big Oil, Big Injustice

  • On the myth that both sides are equally at fault

    From FAIR‘s Ted Koppel’s Terrible Media Criticism:  KOPPEL: The bifurcation is really extreme. I mean, the left is further left and the right is further right. MAHER: The left is not further left. The left is further right. See, this is the problem that the media makes. The left is not further left. The Republicans…

  • Tide for Mormons: The detergent made just for Mormons and their magic underwear

    Published on Sep 28, 2012 by EdwardCurrent The detergent made just for Mormons and their magic underwear. With special Purity Crystalsâ„¢

  • $1.6 trillion of military spending per year

    including $400 billion in interest payments on debt from prior wars. Where do 53% of your Tax dollars go? To fund the most enormous war machine the world has ever known.  Our defense budget is larger than the next 26 countries’ combined.

  • Ann Romney concerned about her husband's mental well-being

    “I think, umm, my biggest concern obviously would just be for the — ummm– his emotional well-being. I have all the confidence in the world in his ability, in his decisiveness, in his leadership skills … So for me it would just be the emotional part of it.”

  • The commons: the case of cars and public transportation

    Someone from France told me she found it incredible that many American streets lack sidewalks. Here many communities are built for cars, not people.  This is especially true of suburbs, where pedestrian traffic is at risk from speeding vehicles. In much of Europe people promenade through the streets in the evening, and people shop at…

  • How the rich avoid taxes: Class Warfare

    “One corporation paid $26,000 a year to maintain a post office box in Bermuda as its legal headquarters. That little trick saved them $40 million in corporate taxes…  If you raise these issues you are accused of class warfare. There is class warfare all right. It’s been successfully waged by the affluent 1 percent against…

  • Town Hall Seattle: Gar Alperovitz: America Beyond Capitalism

    Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 7:30 – 9:00pm Downstairs at Town Hall; enter on Seneca Street. $5. Activist and economist Gar Alperovitz offers a diagnosis of what ails America, and prescribes what Noam Chomsky calls “concrete and feasible” solutions. Alperovitz’s emerging “new economy” strategies propose locally-based, bottom-up efforts that democratize wealth and empower communities—changing a faltering system that,…