Link: Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years
Repeat After Me: Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years
Repeat After Me: Obama Cut the Deficit and Slowed Spending to Lowest Level in 50 Years
David Spring, a longtime Democratic activist and a candidate for State House in the 5th Legislative District, today accused Governor Gregoire of bribery: “there is abundant evidence that Governor Chris Gregoire gave Republican Senator Cheryl Pflug a one million dollar bribe to help the Democratic Party steal her Senate seat here in East King County….
“But while charter schools have grown into a $400-million-a-year business in South Florida, receiving about $6,000 in taxpayer dollars for every student enrolled, they continue to operate with little public oversight. Even when charter schools have been caught violating state laws, school districts have few tools to demand compliance. Charter schools have become a parallel…
Great NY Times article on one example why we need government regulation: The Cancer Lobby
“In exchange for ravaging the most popular and successful programs Democrats have ever produced, and for a vital chunk of nearly every American’s retirement savings, Barack Obama’s grand bargain would have meant accepting an entire economic philosophy diametrically opposed to the one he had run on. For the most basic principles of public life to…
From FAIR‘s Ted Koppel’s Terrible Media Criticism: Â KOPPEL: The bifurcation is really extreme. I mean, the left is further left and the right is further right. MAHER: The left is not further left. The left is further right. See, this is the problem that the media makes. The left is not further left. The Republicans…
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