If Obama loses

Daniel Ellseberg has called on progressives living in swing states to vote for Obama.    Noam Chomsky (also no fan of Obama) has expressed similar sentiments. If I lived in a swing state, I’d probably reluctantly vote for Obama. If Obama loses by, say, 1%, I suppose Democrats will want to blame Jill Stein and Rocky…

Hey Romney, here's why

They wasted trillions of dollars in fraudulent, disastrous wars. They recklessly deregulated banking and securities. They corrupted and mismanaged government.  They gave away almost trillions dollars in tax breaks and loopholes for the rich.  They made incentives for corporations to ship jobs overseas.   They defunded education, making it harder for people to get the skills…

The Seattle Times' self-serving editorial policies

The Seattle Times is actively supporting Rob McKenna for governor by printing $75,750 worth of free full page ads for the Republican gubernatorial candidate, from now til election day. See Seattle Times prints free ad backing McKenna. The Seattle Times itself reports in Times Co. criticized for McKenna, gay-marriage ad campaigns Dozens of Seattle Times…