Billionaires want you to believe
How can this message be expressed so that people understand?
Link: Behind the curtain of the Great and Powerful Grover
Behind the curtain of the Great and Powerful Grover (Michael D’Antuono/www.artandresponse.com)
Huffpost article about greedy CEOs, accompanied by anti-tax video at bottom of page
The Huffpost article CEO Council Demands Cuts To Poor, Elderly While Reaping Billions In Government Contracts, Tax Breaks reports: “The companies represented by executives working with the Campaign To Fix The Debt have received trillions in federal war contracts, subsidies and bailouts, as well as specialized tax breaks and loopholes that virtually eliminate the companies’…
Gregoire: "We desperately need the money", proposes taxing online sales
As one of her final jobs as governor, she will propose a new budget plan that will need to fill a $900 million shortfall and dedicate new money to education in response to a court order. The sales tax plan [targeting online sales] would provide a major boost to that effort. “It’s one of my…
Link: America Must Prosecute Grover Norquist and His GOP Acolytes for Treason
See America Must Prosecute Grover Norquist and His GOP Acolytes for Treason About time!
Andew Mellon's anti-tax crusade in the 1920s foreshadows the Koch brothers' libertarian crusade now
The week’s New Yorker has an article “Tax Time: why we pay” by Jill Leopre. The article decries the failure of liberals to defend taxation. Here’s some history about the 1920s anti-tax efforts of Andrew Mellon and other rich people. “The American Bankers League renamed itself the American Taxpayers League, and began sponsoring, providing literature…
Another example why we need taxes and government
According to the following video, a researcher has discovered that a cheap, out-of-patent drug shows great promise for curing cancers, but because no drug company can make money selling it, they won’t invest in the research needed to undertake clinical testing. This is yet another example of why government spending for the common good can…
In this present crisis, corporations are not the solution to our problem; corporations are the problem.
Actually, corporations in cahoots with government are the problem. The solution isn’t to minimize government or turn to anarchy. The solution is to fix the system by electing progressive candidates and implementing progressive policies.
Rich conservatives, like criminals, love "freedom" and "liberty"
Conservatives love to hate government and taxes. They love to promote “liberty” and “freedom.” Yeah, in the same way that criminals like liberty: to cheat, steal, etc.
Revoling door between Pentagon and Defense Contractors
Brave New Foundation reports: “From 2009 to 2011, 70 percent of retiring three- and four-star generals and admirals left the Pentagon to cash in off jobs with contractors and consulting firms, using their knowledge of the Pentagon and Capitol Hill to reap their own immense profits from public coffers.” Read the report Strategic Maneuvers.