Unacceptable!!! Americans want Social Security, not endless wars and giveaways to the rich
Images from RebuildTheDream
Images from RebuildTheDream
The New York Times is reporting that President Obama will cut Social Security, largely spare the Pentagon, and retain many Bush tax cuts: a grand betrayal. President Delivers a New Offer on the Fiscal Crisis to Boehner. The plan would cut $122 billion by “adopting a new measure of inflation that slows the growth of…
Julia Chase and others have started a petition to keep progressive radio on the air in the Pacific Northwest. See The attack on progressive radio in the Pacific Northwest. They contacted progressive talk host Norman Goldman, who responded as follows (and who asked that his words be shared with others): What i would like to…
Actually, we’re not coming to get your guns, unless you have something like an assault weapon. We just want to make it harder for dangerous people to massacre innocents, and that just requires some reasonable background checks on buyers and limits on the types of guns that are available. People say that gun control wouldn’t…
Reagan speech writer Peggy Noonan says in a Wall Street Journal essay: “Republicans are now in the habit of editing their views, and they’ve been in it for 10 years. The Bush White House suppressed dissent; talk-radio stars functioned as enforcers; the angrier parts of the base, on the Internet, attempted to silence critical thinkers….
See Resolution condemning the actions of Senators Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon and Brendan William’s frank analysis of the Rodney Tom debacle, and the Dems’ dilemma
[There are several similar resolution in the works.] At the December 12, 2012 membership meeting, the 32nd Legislative District Democrats unanimously passed a resolution condemning the actions of Senators Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon. In choosing to caucus with the Senate Republicans, Senators Tom and Sheldon have chosen to ignore the will of the voters,…
Pfc. Bradley Manning in His Own Words “…Well, it was forwarded to WL ]Wiki-Leaks], and God knows what happens now: hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms. If not, then we’re doomed as a species. I will officially give up on the society we have, if nothing happens. The reaction to the video gave me immense hope……
Former progressive legislator Brendan Williams says, in The Inevitable Republican Coup and Its Inevitable Silver Lining, that the Democrats’ embracing of Rodney Tom a few years go had a predictable outcome: his turning on them the way the scorpion turned on the frog. By rejecting the man [Rodney] Tom refers affectionately to as “Rob†[McKenna],…
From Five Tax Fallacies Invented by the One Percent. They Are Entirely False The Rich Pay Almost All the Taxes In fact, “Total taxes for the very rich are 29% of their incomes (23% + 2% + 7% – 3%). Total taxes for the middle class are 28% of their incomes (8% + 10% +…