Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • King Rodney Tom

    See Resolution condemning the actions of Senators Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon and Brendan William’s frank analysis of the Rodney Tom debacle, and the Dems’ dilemma

  • Resolution condemning the actions of Senators Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon

    [There are several similar resolution in the works.] At the December 12, 2012 membership meeting, the 32nd Legislative District Democrats unanimously passed a resolution condemning the actions of Senators Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon. In choosing to caucus with the Senate Republicans, Senators Tom and Sheldon have chosen to ignore the will of the voters,…

  • Bradley Manning tried to help the world

    Pfc. Bradley Manning in His Own Words “…Well, it was forwarded to WL ]Wiki-Leaks], and God knows what happens now: hopefully worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms. If not, then we’re doomed as a species. I will officially give up on the society we have, if nothing happens. The reaction to the video gave me immense hope……

  • Brendan William's frank analysis of the Rodney Tom debacle, and the Dems' dilemma

    Former progressive legislator Brendan Williams says, in The Inevitable Republican Coup and Its Inevitable Silver Lining, that the Democrats’ embracing of Rodney Tom a few years go had a predictable outcome: his turning on them the way the scorpion turned on the frog. By rejecting the man [Rodney] Tom refers affectionately to as “Rob” [McKenna],…

  • Five tax fallacies

    From Five Tax Fallacies Invented by the One Percent. They Are Entirely False The Rich Pay Almost All the Taxes In fact, “Total taxes for the very rich are 29% of their incomes (23% + 2% + 7% – 3%). Total taxes for the middle class are 28% of their incomes (8% + 10% +…

  • Obama is itching to make a "grand betrayal": he emphasizes the wrong points

    The White House keeps sending out emails like the one I got today: Here’s the situation: If Congress doesn’t act, a typical middle-class family of four will pay about $2,000 more in income taxes starting on January 1. President Obama is asking folks to add their voice to the debate and tell us what that…

  • Lumps of Coal for CEOs in Seattle, noon Wed at Westlake Park

    Working Washington reports: We are dumping hundreds of lumps of coal on greedy CEOs right here in Seattle. They seem to think that the holidays are the perfect time for them to get more goodies from Congress in the form of lower tax rates and budget cuts for the rest of us. They’re wrong and…

  • Democrats Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon hand control of State Senate to Republicans

    The Olympian is reporting Republican-led coalition takes control of state Senate: Senate Republicans joined by maverick Democratic Sens. Rodney Tom and Tim Sheldon announced a new majority coalition today to run the Senate in January, calling their plan a bipartisan effort to share power in a cooperative way the public is demanding. Tom will serve…

  • Are you tired of Republicons yet? Look what they just did.

    Found on the GoLeft facebook page

  • Link: How to Save the Democratic Party

    “In short, the time has come for a showdown—if necessary, even a parting of ways—between the reformist and accommodationist wings of the Democratic Party. “  from How to Save the Democratic Party Progressives need to expose and kick out the corporatist Dems. It would be an ugly fight, and many people on the further Left…