Without government, we'd be hunter-gatherers
According to the Pulitzer Prize winning book Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, the transition from a society based on hunter-gathering to a modern state progressed hand-in-hand with the development of agriculture. Government protections and laws enabled trade, storage, and distribution systems. Surpluses resulting from agriculture funded government.  Farm labor could be enlisted for…
Hunger Strike Song
This video might be challenging for some viewers, because of the people of color, the rap-inspired chant, and its (quite reasonable!) support for the rights of the (innocent) Muslims who are hunger-striking. I posted the video in accordance with the email I received: The Peace Poets and Witness Against Torture have collaborated on a Hunger…
Close Tax Loopholes!
Over the weekend, volunteers with FUSE plastered areas on the Eastside with signs calling for the closing of tax loopholes. Areas targeted include the neighborhoods where Senators Rodney Tom, Steve Litzow, and Andy Hill live — three Republicans* whose votes will be crucial in order for the state legislature to eliminate some tax loopholes, as…
Bipartisan task force concludes Bush administration responsible for torture, war crimes
A non-partisan, blue-ribbon task force sponsored by the Washington-based Constitution Project issued a report on US treatment of detainees in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The task force, after a two-year investigation, unanimously concluded that “it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture,†and that “the nation’s most…
Imagine if everyone was this passionate about things that actually matter
Source: The Mind Unleashed.
On the effort to eliminate tax giveaways
The state in the current biennium budget period gave out 176 tax breaks for B&O taxes totaling some $7.5 billion while collecting only $6.5 billion in revenue. The exemptions were 54% of the potential tax base. When an exemption is given it means that a tax shift occurs so the responsibility falls on someone else.…
Drones, the C.I.A., and Pakistan
Bush oversaw forty-eight drone strikes in Pakistan during his two terms. Since 2009, Obama as authorized more than three hundred. In Mazetti’s telling, CIA leaders repeatedly pushed Obama for more expansive authority to used armed drones. They got their way in almost every instance. … Munter soon discovered that, under President Obama, “it was what…
Feds crack down on medical marijuana dispensaries in Seattle and elsewhere
Feds Ramp Up Crackdowns On Medical Marijuana Dispensaries “In several West Coast cities, federal officials are initiating a new round of crackdowns against dispensaries that are seemingly complying with state medical marijuana law. In Seattle, 11 dispensaries received shutdown warnings. In San Francisco, almost half of the city’s small number of state-licensed dispensaries received similar…
Countering anti-government propaganda: the case of the Freedom Foundation
If you listen to right-wing AM talk radio, or visit conservative websites, you’ll be subject to relentless propaganda about how government is inefficient and doesn’t produce anything of value. Conservatives just love to hate government. And they love to talk about “freedom” and “liberty.” Of course, the anti-government propaganda is nonsense. Thanks to government we…
Republicans' clever trick: blame public schools for the blight of poor communities
Republicans and their conservative Democratic allies trashed the economy and bankrupted federal and state governments via reckless deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, outsourcing, union bashing, corruption, privatization, and fraudulent, mismanaged wars. Now they’re in the process of destroying the social safety net and public education. Charter schools are conservatives’ most powerful weapon for destroying…