Too much welfare!

I’m sick and tired of all those lazy ne’re-do-wells who live off the public dole. You know who I’m talking about. Those welfare-loving persons who feel entitled to government handouts but who complain if they have to contribute to society. I’m talking about corporations such as GE, Apple, Goldman Sachs, ExxonMobil, Boeing, and Microsoft. Without…

Adam Smith on the defense cuts

Ranking House Armed Services Democrat Rep. Adam Smith, of Washington State, says of the defense cuts: “The single biggest take away from Strategic Choices Management Review is that Congress, by allowing sequestration to exist, is abdicating its constitutional responsibility to responsibly fund the military and to provide for the common defense. Through sequestration, Congress is…

Biosafety Alliance's Conference on seeds and GMO, Friday and Saturday in Seattle

Justice Begins with Seeds International Conference 2013 August 2nd & 3rd Featuring Dr. Vandana Shiva Seattle, Washington Seattle First Presbyterian Church, 1013 8th Avenue, Seattle WA 98104 MAP Conference Schedule Day One           Day Two GMO Awareness Week Film Series GMO Speaker Training with Jeffrey Smith Register for Conference

The Anacortes Washington State Tea Party and its off-color, misogynist joke

The facebook page of the Washington State Tea Party posted the following crude, anti-woman joke. The joke was apparently posted by Andy Stevens. A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger, a liberal Democrat, and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland near Colville, WA. There was a large tree on one of…

Credo Action calls for constituents to hold Adam Smith accountable

Credo Action has sent out the following email calling on constituents of Rep. Adam Smith to phone the representative and complain about his vote against the Amash/Conyers amendment that would have reined in NSA spying on Americans. Rep. Smith is ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, and his old district, near Olympia, included…