Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • The Anacortes Washington State Tea Party and its off-color, misogynist joke

    The facebook page of the Washington State Tea Party posted the following crude, anti-woman joke. The joke was apparently posted by Andy Stevens. A woman from Los Angeles, who was a tree hugger, a liberal Democrat, and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland near Colville, WA. There was a large tree on one of…

  • C.A.W. Anti-War March & Rally, Westlake Center Saturday, Aug 3

    Meet at Westlake, in Seattle, at 11am on Saturday, August 3rd for a Cascadians Against War Anti-War Rally & March to end at the Federal Building on 1st and Marion. Join us for a day of speaking out against legislative policy, current state of affairs, and injustices that are ever present in our daily lives.…

  • Corporations are psychopathic "persons"

    Author Clive Boddy defines psychopaths as “totally heartless, totally ruthless and totally calculating in their approach to life.” That fits corporations to a T, since by law their only motivation is profit for the shareholders.

  • Credo Action calls for constituents to hold Adam Smith accountable

    Credo Action has sent out the following email calling on constituents of Rep. Adam Smith to phone the representative and complain about his vote against the Amash/Conyers amendment that would have reined in NSA spying on Americans. Rep. Smith is ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, and his old district, near Olympia, included…

  • Adam Smith's request for constituents'preferences about issues

    Below is a copy of an email I received from Rep. Adam Smith asking about issues Congress should work on. I realize that the email is sent to various constituents, not all of whom are progressives or Democrats. The issue named “Tax Reform” is ambiguous.  Yes, I’m for tax reform, but it depends on what…

  • Report on the "WTF, Olympia?" rally in Seattle, on transit funding

    Today at noon, about a hundred people showed up at a rally in Seattle at City Hall Park in support of funding for King County Metro Transit. “Where’s The Funding?”, they shouted. The rally was organized by the Transit Riders Union. They were collecting grievances and stories about transit and placing them into the “grievance…

  • Shift Change: a film about employee owned cooperative businesses

    This evening I attended a viewing of the film Shift Change.  “It tells the little known stories of employee owned businesses that compete successfully in today’s economy while providing secure, dignified jobs in democratic workplaces.” The filmmakers, Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young, were present to answer questions.  They live in the Renton area, I believe.…

  • Washington State reps' votes on preserving NSA surveillance

    Democratic Representatives Adam Smith, Derek Kilmer, Rick Larsen, and Dennis Heck voted with 134 Republicans to help defeat the Amash Amendment to shutter the NSA’s surveillance function.  (Boo!) Jim McDermott and Suzan DeBene voted FOR the amendment. (Hurray!)   “A majority of Democrats, 111, voted for Amash’s amendment despite the full court press while 83…

  • Control of the Senate depends on the race between Nathan Schlicher and Jan Angel

    Control of the state Senate hangs in the balance, depending on the outcome of a special election in the 26th LD. On one side is Democrat Nathan Schlicher, who was selected early this year to temporarily replace Derek Kilmer, after Kilmer left the state Senate half way through his four year term to serve in…

  • Advice from Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's leader

    I read Lee Kuan Yew: The Grandmaster’s Insights on China, the United States, and the World. You might call Yew a benevolent dictator. There’s no freedom of the press in Singapore, and people who criticized him usually ended up broke or in jail.  But Yew is considered a genius, for in one generation he turned…