Is Deficit Committee co-chair Patty Murray more concerned about Boeing contracts than about seniors?

Social Security hasn’t contributed a penny to the deficit, it’s not going broke, and it’s not an “entitlement.” But Senator Patty Murray, who is co-chair of the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction, said on Oct 5 that “everything” is on the table as possible cuts as her committee begins searching for an agreement to avert…

Seattle Town Hall Wednesday on the takeover by Catholic hospitals

Legal Voice, which “secures and protects women’s legal rights”, reports: Perhaps you have heard: Washington State is experiencing an unprecedented wave of mergers between religious hospitals and secular, community hospitals. By the end of 2013, nearly half of Washington’s hospital beds could be under Catholic influence or outright control. What do these hospital takeovers and…

My testimony to Gov. Inslee and the legislators about climate change

Wednesday evening over 400 people attended the hearings in Seattle organized by the Climate Legislative and Executive Workgroup. It seems that most of attendees wanted to testify.  People were chosen at random, by number, and the numbers chosen ranged has high as the low 400s. My number did not come up. Here is the testimony I…

Trick-or-treat aboard Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior Oct 31, Nov 2 &3 in Vancouver, WA

Trick-or-treat aboard the Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior! When: Thursday, October 31, 2013, 11:00am until 3:00pm. Where: Vancouver Landing, West of 100 Columbia St., Vancouver, WA 98660 Click for the Facebook page of the event. Open Boat Tour of the Rainbow Warrior When : Saturday, November 2, 2013: 10am-5pm  and Sunday, November 3, 2013: 10am-5pm Where:  Vancouver…