A bad deal, a bad photo

Photo source: AP Paul Ryan, Patty Murray a few billion apart. “In a move sure to infuriate Democrats, the House-Senate negotiators have all but settled on slicing billions of dollars from federal employees retirement plans.” Republicans will agree to cut benefits for government employees. They’ll agree to increase user fees, which are regressive.  But they…

Transit is a great example of how government can play a positive role

Transportation is a great example of the positive role government can play in providing services. But Republicans have prevented the passage of a transportation budget, and without further, Metro Transit will have to make drastic cut to bus routes. Mayors, city council member and the business community are nearly unanimous in calling for passage of…

Link: Victory for Prop 1 Won’t Stop Business Expansion at SeaTac Airport

From Victory for Prop 1 Won’t Stop Business Expansion at SeaTac Airport: Just last week the final tally came in on SeaTac’s proposition 1. The “ayes” have it. So the sky must be falling, right? Afterall, opponents of the biggest campaign the City of SeaTac has ever seen have been claiming for months that businesses…

March for $15 minimum wage this Thursday, SeaTac to Seattle City Hall

Working Washington reports: People said demanding $15 an hour was unrealistic. They said it couldn’t be done. But this year’s elections proved them wrong. It’s official: SeaTac voted to pass the Good Jobs Initiative! And Seattle is next. On December 5th, fast food workers are leading an all-day march from SeaTac to Seattle City Hall…

Chelsea Manning defense attorney to speak in Seattle Dec 11

Courage to Resist is reporting: Lead Defense Attorney for WikiLeaks Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Gives First Seattle Presentation -the fight continues! You’re invited! On Wednesday, December 11th, the attorney who represented WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning) during the trial this summer will speak at University Temple United Methodist Church. This is the first public…

Black Friday Walmart Protest in Factoria, Bellevue

Images and video from the Walmart protest in Factoria, Bellevue (Nov 29, 2013). I left when the police announced that anyone who does not disperse will be arrested.   The police marched in military formation.  The protesters were completely peaceful. Non-violent protest is a beautiful thing. So is non-violent civil disobedience in support of a worthy…

Response to Claudia Balducci and Kevin Wallace column on transportation

In their Nov 22 letter to the Bellevue Reporter, city council members Claudia Balducci and Kevin Wallace called on the legislature to pass a transportation package that eases the gridlock on our roads and protects our economy. Wisely they write, “We cannot afford the drastic cuts in transit service projected to occur without new funding.”…

Microsoft abandons practice that Bill Gates promoted for public schools

Lots of my coworkers came from Microsoft, and they all say it was a horrible place to work because of “stacked ranking”, according to which workers were graded against coworkers, on a curve, and the weakest workers were pushed out. It caused workers to avoid helping coworkers, for fear of giving them a leg up….