The state Dems' platform says No to TPP. Will our lawmakers listen?

The Washington State Democrat’s platform says We oppose: . . . Trade agreements negotiated in secret without public interest representation; Foreign policies that put the profit-making interests of corporations above the rights, laws, and interests of governments or workers, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); But the last I heard both our US Senators, as…

Hey, Bill Gates!

  Elizabeth Hanson pointed out that many of Gates’ “charitable” donations have served a corporate agenda; in particular, his support of Common Core and educational testing has served the interests of corporations trying to privatize public schools. But Gates has also funded efforts to fight malaria and has donated to the Negro College Fund, for…

On forgiveness, self-esteem, and auto-immune diseases of the mind

There’s something that’s always perplexed me about forgiveness, and I finally think I’ve figured it out. Most people who talk about forgiveness say that it requires a change in our attitude towards the offending character.  They also say that by forgiving that person for what they did we can free ourselves from the pain of…

168 of the 3000 children and teens killed by gun violence each year in the US

To see the children in more detail, with names, click here. For statistics on gun violence see For example, “A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense.” For information about I-594…

Videos from PNHPWW meeting on health care: Jim McDermott, Kshama Sawant, others

The Western Washington Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program held its Ninth Annual Public Meeting on Saturday, July 19th, at Kane Hall, on the University of Washington Campus. The theme of the meeting was: Health Care is a Human Right: Making It Real in Washington State. Here are videos of the speakers: •Health…

Let's save the Democratic Party — by holding corporate Dems accountable

There is a never-ending debate among progressive Democrats about whether to break away from the Democratic Party.  Recently, that debate has heated up — for example, on discussion forums of progressive Dems in Washington State. The victory of Socialist candidate Kshama Sawant over long-time Democratic stalwart Richard Conlin should have been a wake-up call to…

Conservative ideology

Conservative ideology is based on protecting rich people from having to pay for the benefits they reap from government: peace at home, stable markets, infrastructure, an educated work force, research, potable water, clean air, public health, etc. Conservatives wasted trillions on corrupt, disastrous wars and are happy to pay subsidies to corporate farmers and Big…