Obama gave a priceless gift to the GOP: Why aren't Dems furious?

Obama gave a priceless gift to the GOP: immunity from prosecution and accountability for war crimes, torture, and other criminality. Still, many Democrats treat him as a hero. In 2008, it appeared that the GOP was destined for many years of repudiation. They’d proven themselves corrupt, incompetent, and imperialistic. Obama had a chance to reorient…

Question for Rep. Suzan DelBene

I presume Microsoft would benefit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.  Rep. Suzan Delbene and her husband, Kurt DelBene, both used to work for Microsoft in senior management positions. Both of them have personal ties to the company and presumably own considerable stock in Microsoft. Shouldn’t she recuse herself from votes concerning the TPP? Or…

More corporate welfare for Microsoft

From FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) and https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=134733849408 (June 30, 2009). See the section in bold for how the bill benefits Microsoft and for Rep. Ross Hunter’s role in promoting it. Hunter also led the charge for tax breaks for Microsoft. Under a new Washington State law, foreign guest workers — and their families…

Microsoft Dodges Taxes

  Microsoft Admits Keeping $92 Billion Offshore to Avoid Paying $29 Billion in US Taxes Microsoft could find payoff, take high road by paying up taxes Microsoft doesn’t need our tax break Microsoft’s Staggering Tax Dodge Alone Would Fund the Entire State of Washington for Two Years Microsoft’s tax avoidance schemes: national and in Washington…

Dems' Resolution Opposing Common Core Standards

WHEREAS the copyrighted (and therefore unchangeable) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a set of controversial top-down K-12 academic standards that were promulgated by wealthy private interests without research-based evidence of validity and are developmentally inappropriate in the lowest grades; and WHEREAS, as a means of avoiding the U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment prohibition against federal…