DelBene, TPP, and Microsoft stock: should she recuse herself?
Rep. Suzan DelBene is apparently going to vote in favor of trade promotion authority (“fast track”) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, unlike Reps McDermott, Smith, and Heck. A friend called DelBene’s office and an aide said she is voting for fast-track. Last fall I spoke to her and asked her to oppose it. She was very…
Stop putting up with our ridiculous health care providers!
A facebook friend posted a Washington Post article 50 hospitals charge uninsured more than 10 times cost of care, study finds. A discussion ensued. Bret Benson told this story: I had a $3,600 bill after going to the emergency room for a gash in my head over and above what my insurance covered. Devon told…
Jim Jefferies – US Gun Control – Live Stand Up Comedy – Best comedian ever 2015
Destroys Gun rights b.s.
Painless executions are easy but immoral
I oppose capital punishment. But it surprises me that states are struggling to find ways to execute people painlessly. There are two easy ways to kill people painlessly. The first is carbon monoxide. People often die in their beds from carbon monoxide poisoning (due to improper ventilation of a heater, for example). They feel drowsy…
Backbone Campaign should work on economic justice in addition to climate justice
I commend and support the Backbone Campaign’s successful activism concerning Shell’s plan to drill in the arctic. They are expert at getting media coverage. But there are many battles to fight, and I wish Backbone would direct their activism towards economic justice. In particular, I want Backbone to expose the outrageously regressive tax system in…
Private college declares bankruptcy, its students can't
Democracy for America emailed this: On Monday, 16,000 students at Corinthian Colleges learned that their school had closed its doors for good — and declared bankruptcy. Single mothers, veterans, and other students suddenly found themselves facing thousands of dollars in debt with no degree or job to show for it. This was not by accident,…
How President Obama and his supporters damaged the Democratic Party
Finally, near the end of his presidency, President Obama is displaying the sort of fighting spirit that we needed early on. Unfortunately, Obama is directing his wrath at Elizabeth Warren and other progressives. Just two years after the end of disastrous and corrupt presidency of George W. Bush, Democrats were dealt a shellacking in the…
Apparent anti-semitic headline on TheMarketBusiness, recommended by google
On April 25, the news aggregation site included among its top headlines a link and summary to an article from with the following headline. To Meet Jew Donors, Ted Cruz heads to Vegas Here’s an image of the article as it appeared on April 25 at, 2015 at 8:10AM PST: The first…