Republican voters are shockingly misinformed
Poll: Majority of Republicans think Obama is a Muslim http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/252393-poll-majority-of-republicans-thinks-obama-is-a-muslim
Republicans raised taxes on the poor and middle class: the gas tax
But they protected the unfairly low taxes that the rich people enjoy in Washington State.
Planned Parenthood tape edited to remove important parts
Sociopathic drivers destroy lungs, climate, and quality of lif
Bernie versus Hillary
The Right to Life: liberal versus conservative versions
Dems censure the votes of Cantwell, Murray, Larsen , DelBene and Kilmer to fast-track TPP
Several Democratic and labor organizations in Washington State have censured or condemned Senators Cantwell and Murray, and Reps. Larsen, DelBene, and Kilmer for their votes in favor of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), the fast-tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Washington State Labor Council passed a resolution censuring the TPP supporters, as discussed here. The Washington State Progressive…
Republicans Support Massive Tax Evasion by Starving IRS Budget
The Right to Life includes the Right to Medical Care
Democratic Socialism is as familiar as …