More on Roger Goodman, running for Reichert's congressional seat

State Rep. Roger Goodman is indeed running for Dave Reichert’s 8th CD congressional seat. It seems like Goodman strong on the environment and judicial issues.  He has a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard and a stellar resume. Goodman’s web page description (from gives me hope that he’ll be a strong candidate and…

Roadkillers strike again

Centrist Democrats  in the Washington State Senate  (the Road Kill Caucus) have joined with Republicans to sponsor and support SB 2109 (“Reforming workers’ compensation through authorization of voluntary settlements and creation of a return-to-work subsidy program.”) The bill is strongly opposed by Labor and other Democratic groups.  The article Workers compensation bill SB5566: a step…

Poll: What is the most likely scenario for the future of America?

America must deal with a host of problems: economic decline, resource depletion, reckless militarism, anti-government fear-mongering, population growth, epidemics, rampant corruption, poor education, increased competition from overseas, environmental damage, economic inequality, religious extremism, and bigotry. What do you think is the most likely scenario for the future of America? Complete disaster: Things get worse quickly;…

Horray for government!

For decades conservatives have been badmouthing government. They’ve been intentionally mismanaging and corrupting it, to turn people against government. It’s time to stand up and shout: Horray for government! I was reminded of this on my back from work the other day.  Coming down the stairs to the bus tunnel at Westlake Station in Seattle,…